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BwogSalon: Publius

In the spirit of Enlightenment salons from centuries past, we present the latest installment of BwogSalon. Below, check out an excerpt from Evan Madeo’s article from the latest issue of Publius: The Undergraduate Journal of Politics at Columbia University. Madeo examines the history of unemployment benefits, finding that they were only intended to supplement the once-generous benefits […]
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Last night a tipster reported a lot of police officers milling around outside Mel’s during last night. Apparently there’s such a thing as too Eurotrashed? The following Facebook message was sent to attendees of the party: Hey guys, I just wanted to explain to everyone what happened last night. Mel’s neighbors called in a noise […]
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Think burgers and pizza are bad for you? Let Bwog’s creative culinary correspondent Matt Powell show you how to make healthy versions of American fast-food classics in this week’s edition of Cooking with Bwog. Caramelized Pear and Onion Burger with Bleu Cheese: Serves 4 Ingredients 1 lb. ground sirloin ½ lb. ground lamb Salt and pepper […]
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Down: Drug Dealing – Police in Queens have announced a major undercover drug bust in Queens that netted 62 arrests. No word on why they decided to call it “Operation: Stampede” but the graphic is cute. (Gothamist) Up: Shakespearean Theatre – New Yorkers love Shakespeare, judging by the number of Shakespearean plays being performed in […]
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Friends, it’s Thirsty Thursday, and Dribkgin Wit Hbwog is back again! This week, the Columbia Bartending Agency’s David Shiovitz teaches you how to make a Slippery Nipple. Yes… you read that correctly. This week, we have a new technique for you, called floating, and we’re applying it to one of our favorites, the Slippery Nipple. Once […]
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Yesterday, Peter Sterne, Bwog’s Turkish Economics Bureau Chief, hopped to the International Affairs Building to learn about “Headscarf Discrimination: Labor Market Discrimination in Contemporary Turkey” with Dilek Cindoglu, a visiting professor at Columbia’s Institute for Research on Women and Gender (IRWaG). To learn more about the controversy surrounding veiling, check out this archive. Ten or so […]
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It’s that time of the evening again. You’ve just gotten out of Art Hum after what feels like hours. Your stomach is grumbling in anticipation of dinner, which won’t be for another hour or two. If you were thinking of heading over to Milano or Westside to get a quick snack—it doesn’t count if it’s […]
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Dear Professors, We hear you. Sometimes we under-hear you (read: 9 a.m. class), but when we’re very lucky, we overhear you! And not just while you’re weighing in on important international issues; we also hear those cavalier comments you improvise in lecture. And since we like what we’ve heard lately so much, we thought we’d share: Shamus […]
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Everybody Calm Down!

As you may or may not have heard, some housing news has surfaced: EC Exclusion Suites are no more. So if you’re a freshman or sophomore who was banking on a high rise suite at five for the price of three (inhabitants : lottery numbers, that is), you might be sobbing uncontrollably, or carving “McBain… […]
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In light of today’s beautiful weather, we would like to think that our hot-chocolate-to-warm-our-hands days are over for now. However, we do not protest free food/drinks. Right now, the Business School’s behavioral research lab is attempting to woo new participants by giving away free hot chocolate. They’re located right next to the lion statue outside […]
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Bwog loves to get to know our professors. That’s why we’re not ashamed to harass them until they tell us what music they’re listening to. And just ask Dean Peña-Mora or Professor Zukowski—we’re very persistent. This week, we offer you the playlist of Professor Brian Seibert, who hails from Columbia’s Creative Writing Department. Professor Seibert has […]
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Apparently, it’s supposed to be 50 degrees or warmer today! This is weird, but we’re not going to question it. Instead, we’re probably going to stop by the Greenmarket, and you should too. Today’s offerings include: A new product—Berkshire pork. Greenmarket-ers inform us that “It’s a heritage breed of pork,” and has been “genetically unmodified […]
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The Best (And Least Smelly) Times To Hit Dodge
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