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The PE Requirement is sometimes maligned as unfitting of Ivy League scholars, unfair to the ‘nonathletic’ and even downright unexplainable, a la the swim test.  However, Bwog knows the true value of hitting the gym every now and then.  Rather than one more unfair burden on the backs of the bright-eyed leaders of tomorrow, the […]
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Dance Marathon is giving out cookies and hot chocolate on the Steps right now. Plus, free Kanye songs for your ears!
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There’s a coat drive going on this week, run by the New York Presbyterian Hospital.  It’s right now, 12n-4p at the Sundial today, as well as everyday this week.  Supplementary collection bins are in EC, Furnald and John Jay. Yesterday Bwog spotted one student donate the coat off of their back.  Congratulations anonymous do-gooder, for […]
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Bwog came upon a well-woven wonder on Carman 9, when we saw this rug stretching from wall to wall.  According to the blackboard, it was Liz’s birthday.  And she got a rug!  Maybe. The icy white cinder blocks of Carman just got a little warmer.  You go, freshlings!
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Bwog has received word that Dean of Student Affairs Kevin Shollenberger and CC 2011 President Sean Udell just announced that Deans Moody-Adams and Peña-Mora have approved the long-debated issue of gender-neutral housing. This means that a pilot program can begin in the fall. It will be an option in Wien, EC, Nussbaum, Ruggles, Woodbridge, and […]
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Butler was rated 4th most beautiful library in the country!  If only the judges knew what a wretched hive of scum and villainy it is during exams when there are people in it. (CampusGrotto) Nissan wants us to buy their fancy-pants eco-friendly car, the Leaf.  Unfortunately, it doesn’t perform well in extreme temperatures.  And do […]
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Lost 11/9 in or near aerobics room 4 in Dodge: White karate belt, folded, with two black hair ties holding it together.  Can demonstrate white belt proficiency in karate to claim it.
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I lost a small black cardboard cover notebook containing creative writing journals. Lost on 11/8 probably in 417 IAB or Butler stacks. If found please contact
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Hillel is hosting a study break from 8-9 p.m. tonight! Hit up the 3rd floor of Hillel for Trader Joe’s snacks. ‘Cause there’s a new Joe’s somewhere on the UWS. Hillel is at the Kraft Center, at 606 W. 115th Street. Image via Trader Joe’s
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Animals at Barnard

Barnard has announced the theme for its 22nd Annual Medieval and Renaissance Conference, which will take place December 4th. It is titled “Animals and Humans in the Culture of the Middle Ages and Renaissance” and claims to provide “an interdisciplinary conference exploring the many ways in which the human-animal connection and divide was imagined, employed, […]
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A tipster found this on the wall of Lerner 502 last night. Is it another wave?
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Columbia, you spoil us. Views of Butler and Uris by ECS and HEH.
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this is the greatest sports blog this site has ever seen. bravo (read more)
If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
September 26, 2024
Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
September 26, 2024
The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
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Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024

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