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These Professor Gchat statuses are fake, but The Blue and White wishes they were real. Peter Awn: worshipping the albino marsupial that lives in the basement of Low Library Jenny Davidson: a sabbatical combining the acoustical elegance of the aphorism with the force and utility of the load-bearing, tractional sentence of a more or less […]
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Learned Foote reports from Butler 209: Another photo after the jump.
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Name, school: Michael Snyder, CC Claim to fame: Amongst friends, amateur gastronome; general enthusiasm for wine, gin, bitters, and pork products; general antipathy toward vegans. Secondarily, campus theater. Where are you going? Staying in the city for the summer, then moving to Santiago, Chile in August for six months to write for The Santiago Times. […]
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Excellent news for those who like delicious tacos and don’t like Georgette Fleischer: La Esquina will be permanently re-opening tonight. A few of you chatted with Page Six about your contempt for Lady Fleischer, calling her a “narc” but adding that “she loved cats.” It all goes to show that you win some, you lose […]
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Do you hear that, Columbia? That’s the sound of 2013 rolling their blue bins (don’t forget to donate) towards the family car, stopping along the way to embrace their floormates like it’s the last day of sleepaway camp and the buses just rolled up. Most of you should be finishing up exams right about now, […]
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Hannah Lepow reports on the world’s oldest Oral History library. Perched high up in the rafters of Butler Library, the Columbia Oral History Research Office is a resource known to few undergraduates but a Mecca for professional historians and writers. Along one wall runs a shelf of books by authors ranging from Robert Caro to […]
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This dude was spotted studying in the Carman service elevator the other day, sitting on his dorm chair stolen lounge chair (that’ll land you in Columbia prison, son) under an unplugged desklamp and with his trusty Nalgene at his side. Bwog gives up.
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Vernacular change alert! Gender Neutral Housing will now be called Open Housing, and you better believe it has a task force. We’ve confirmed the makeup and goals of the task force with Dean Shollenberger’s office, and here’s what we found out. The Task Force (that’s right, uppercase as in Official) will be working on a […]
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Name, school: Devora Aharon, CC Claim to fame: Student Governing Board Chair, Hillel Executive Board Where are you going? Most likely Mount Sinai Medical School, but I am trying to take the long way across the Atlantic and then Pacific to get there. Three things you learned at Columbia: Go to Orgo Night and then […]
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Bwoglines: The Other

All of these things are not like the other! The Hechinger Institute, an independently funded branch of TC, launched an education blog. Your tour guide lied: murder and rape rates rise in NYC. The most recent Jester and Fed are now online. So there’s this group called the Columbia Business School Follies and they made […]
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FDNY Outside Lerner

We’re hearing reports of four firetrucks outside Lerner and firemen walking into the building with a hose. Anyone there? Let us know what’s going on in the comments. Expect an update in a hot (!) sec. Update, 9:38: Fire trucks gone, Lerner half-empty. Fire alarm went off briefly but firemen found no smoke or fire. […]
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Name, school: Frances Bodomo, CC Claim to fame: Thinking I could crew on most on-campus film sets to supplement my double-major courseload. Also, chasing after you to submit to the CUFP Film Festival, also WBAR. Organizing events without a cell phone (hey, it all worked out!) Where are you going? I’m staying put for the […]
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Fire on 110th

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Where Art Thou?

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Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
September 26, 2024
The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
September 26, 2024
Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024
Thank god you found her again. If you hadn't we'd be totally defenseless against the angels (read more)
O Asuka, My Asuka: An Appreciation Letter To The Columbia Community
September 25, 2024

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