Starting next semester, Barnard will require all eligible students, faculty, and staff to receive a COVID-19 vaccine booster. Additionally, beginning tomorrow, all Barnard dining halls will move to grab-and-go service entirely.
Due to the interruption of Core classes by the SWC-UAW strike, Literature Humanities sections will now require additional instruction and coursework, to be completed by January 31, 2022.
Bwog staff writer Sahmaya Busby attended XMAS!16 on Monday, December 13 at 7 pm at the Glicker-Milstein Theatre to watch Kevin McAllister be arrested for his heinous crimes of…torturing his house-sitters?
The purpose of Bwog’s comment section is to facilitate honest and open discussion between members of the Columbia community. We encourage commenters to take advantage of—without abusing—the opportunity to engage in anonymous critical dialogue with other community members.
A comment may be moderated if it contains:
A slur—defined as a pejorative derogatory phrase—based on ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, ability, or spiritual belief
You Can Take the Soviet Out of Russia…
February 21, 2025Freshpeople Housing Review 2022: Wallach
February 20, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2019: John Jay Hall
February 20, 2025Hate Letter: “Midterms”
February 20, 2025