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We’ve all been there. You need to be productive. Really productive. Not “scrolling through Twitter while glancing at readings” productive, but “block Twitter for 12 hours” productive. That means going to Butler. But how are you supposed to bring a snack? ButCaf is expensive and doesn’t have a wide selection, but you’re “not supposed to bring […]
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As the end of senior year is within glimpse, many Columbia students have no idea what they will do after their sojourn at the sanatorium on 116th. Many decide further education might be the best bet… including law school. Senior Staff Bwogger Gabrielle Kloppers explains some factors that may impact that decision. Disclaimer: Kloppers is […]
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Happening in the World: Archaeologists discovered the world’s oldest known figurative cave painting in Borneo. The painting depicts a species of cattle and is thought to be over 40,000 years old. (The Guardian) Happening in the US: Jeff Sessions was forced to resign as US Attorney General yesterday. The new acting attorney general, Matthew G. […]
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I have sat in the green chairs that are on the second floor of the Milstein Center and which you were probably saving for someone who actually attends Barnard Forgive me they were magnificent so plush and so cozy (also i ate ur plums too lmao) William Columbia Williams by Unknown
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Ah yes, fall break. Halloween is officially over, Thanksgiving is done before it even begins, and the holiday season is upon us! We hope you caught up on sleep, got ahead in your classes, and enjoyed wholesome family dinners. Bwog, on the other hand, is here to share stories from their eventful weekend.  Bwog Gets […]
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Imagine: in the midst of yet another NSOP event’s over-friendliness, you catch a glance of an amiable face adorning a purple bandana across the room. What are you to do but approach him? This is how Staff Writer Eva Sher met Bandana Boy. A few days ago, I was in John Jay, and I found […]
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For those who have migrated from Butler to Milstein, Deputy Editor Idris O’Neill is begging you to abandon your old habits and adopt these new, more considerate ones. She’s tired of seeing you in group study rooms alone. 1. If you are a Columbia student, come with a buddy. Chances are you weren’t invited to the […]
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Just because it’s a short week doesn’t mean there aren’t still cool events happening on campus! Today, Bwog brings you a combined Where Art Thou, Bucket List, and Science Fair – or, all your options for procrastinating on midterms in one handy place. Where Art Thou? This Friday through Sunday, check out The Pale Blue’s Once […]
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Last Friday, Arts Editor and archaeology student Riva Weinstein attended the advance screening of Native America: New Worlds Rising at Barnard. This documentary about the Comanche nation in the colonial era also spotlighted the persistence of indigenous traditions in America today. I spent thirty glorious days in New Mexico: excavating pottery, bathing in the Rio […]
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Happening in the World: A New Zealand fisherman saved a drowning toddler after mistaking him for a porcelain doll floating in the ocean. The young boy had wandered away from his parent’s campsite while they were sleeping (The Guardian). Happening in the U.S.: The Democrats took back the House of Representatives, gaining at least 26 seats. Republicans retain […]
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Maybe you already checked your weekly horoscope and it’s not giving you the specific, fall break-related forecast you’re looking for. Or maybe you never check your horoscope (it’s okay, me neither tbh), and the title piqued your interest. Whether you’re this, that, or somewhere in between, Bwog Guest Writer Sophie Tobin has you covered for all […]
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On Tuesday, Arts Editor Riva Weinstein attended Uptown Vocal’s fall concert, S-UV-erstition, in Wein Lounge. She gives her thoughts below. It’s apple cider season. Wien Lounge is cozy and faux-candlelit, and students mill around as we wait for the performance, pouring drinks and nabbing candy. Uptown Vocal mills around the piano in a cluster of […]
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You’re the goat (read more)
A Lion’s Guide To The CC Core Curriculum
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So true. I regret not writing this when I was in school!! (read more)
Someone Find Me A Plug
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Why can't Columbia students use Barnard's new Wellness center? Outrageous. (read more)
To Ban Or Not To Ban: Review Of Barnard’s Prohibited Items
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Thank you for the kind words! <3 (read more)
We’re Reviving AskBwog
October 22, 2024

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