Bwog received numerous tips today that a film crew from ABC7 was around campus getting footage and conducting interviews about the recent attempted robberies of iPhones. No footage has been posted to the local affiliate’s website yet, but we’re hoping that when it does, we can get sandwich man‘s take on all this. Update, 3:00 […]
Bright young things: in the next few weeks you will be introduced to a dizzying array of organizations, acronyms, slang, and food trucks. Bwog knows it can be difficult to keep track, so to ease your bureaucracy-induced agitation is Bwog’s CCSC correspondent Brian Wagner, here to untangle the web that is Columbia’s undergraduate student government. […]
At last night’s town hall meeting, student groups elected the ABC Board for the coming year. They elected a new exec board last week. Congratulations to the winners! Speaking of the winners, here they are: Renuka Agarwal: CC 2012 Elizabeth Angeles: CC 2013 Ryan Cho: CC 2013 Max Hartman: GS 2013 Saketh Kalathur: CC 2013 […]
Yesterday, the new ABC executive board was elected! The ABC funds (non-political, -spiritual, or -activist) student groups on campus. It’s the opposite of SGB. Winners are below. Congratulations! Start groveling for money folks. President: Daniel Brown, CC ’12 VP: John O’Shea, CC ’13 Treasurer: Chloe Ruan, SEAS ’13 Secretary: Christine Byun, CC ’14
Despite complaints from CU-EMS about their current space (too small, too noisy, too co-ed), ABC voted not to recommend CU-EMS’ move from its current location in the basement of Carman to Broadway 103. The complete email from ABC follows: At its meeting on November 17, 2010, ABC voted not to recommend CU-EMS’ move from its current […]
Hey 2014, in the next few weeks you will be introduced to a dizzying array of organizations, acronyms, slang, and food carts. Bwog knows it can be difficult to keep track, so here to ease your bureaucracy-induced agita is Bwog’s CCSC correspondent to untangle the web that is Columbia’s undergraduate student government. F@CU – Funding […]
Today is a big day! F@CU has just released their 2010-2011 allocations for your governing boards. Let’s talk big numbers and little percentages, shall we? Activities Board: $393,459 granted, 7.4% increase from last year, 4.4% cut from requested allocation, which was $411,568 Club Sports Governing Board: $206,200 granted, 17% increase from last year’s allocation, $213,800 […]
Results are in! Stay tuned for elections results from CCSC, ESC and SGA today and tomorrow. President: Beezly Kiernan Vice President: Eric Rosenberg Treasurer: Brittany Ward Secretary: Justin Kim Update: Beezly Kiernan, who is currently running for the position of VP of Policy in the CCSC’s exec board elections, intends to resign from his position […]
Every year, the various governing boards show off cool Power Points and generally grovel before the Funding at Columbia University committee (known by the almost-scandalous abbreviation F@CU) for a nice cut of your student life fees. This year’s numbers were just released, and the various allocations are as follows: Activities Board at Columbia: $366,303.61 ($413,607.22 […]
The activities fair may be over, but you’ve still got a while to find your niche in Columbia’s extracurricular scene. To help you sift through the alphabet soup, our series of club crib sheets continues with groups that hand out money and groups that may eventually make lots of money. Governing Boards and Councils (a.k.a. […]
Well, they moved quickly this time. As we wrote about before, the announcement of a joint appearance by Obama and McCain on campus next Thursday took student government and group leaders completely by surprise. Just before midnight, though, the presidents of the student councils, club governing boards, and Panhellenic councils have sent an email to […]
ABC has just released a spreadsheet of 2008-2009’s club allocations. (As you might remember, ABC released their 2007-2008 allocations/debt spreadsheet in February, prompting SGB to do the same and creating a minor brouhaha in the process.) So onto the compare-contrast: The most noticeable budgetary increase is that of Bacchanal and Special Events, which received just […]
On Monday night, the Student Governing Board voted to elect their new board, as well as to determine new group recognition and to derecognize inactive groups. Their new board is as follows: Chair: Arjun Kapoor, CC’09, Amnesty International Vice-Chair: Jacob Taber, GS-JTS’09, College Democrats & Hillel Treasurer: Devora Aharon, CC’10, Hillel Secretary: Jim Downie, CC’10, […]
Like many of you, Bwog was curious and excited upon learning that ABC (unlike last year) had released their 2007-2008 budget and student group allocations. But what of the Student Governing Board, (the ABC of political and religious groups, among others)? According to Jon Siegel, a chair of SGB, the SGB has been in talks […]
Newsworthy day for belly dancers and linguists, the Fall 2007 New Group Recognition process over at the Activities Board at Columbia comes to a close. There were five groups to make the cut: Columbia Ballet Collective, Columbia Bellydancing Troupe, Columbia Linguistic Society, Organization of Latin American Students, and Onyx. ABC also released their 2007-2008 budget, […]
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