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Posts Tagged with "sue yang"

You might not know the following figures–but you should [Ed note: well, you all know this one.] In Campus Characters, The Blue and White introduces you to a handful of Columbians who are up to interesting and extraordinary things and whose stories beg to be shared.  If you’d like to suggest a Campus Character, send […]

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Next week the student councils will be sending a survey out to the student body, to gather opinion on the proposed campus smoking ban. To provide a little background, tonight we present senior editor Adam Kuerbitz’s feature on the ban, from the new issue of the Blue and White. The cigarette break has changed drastically […]

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   Photo via Bwogger Emily Ahn kept her eyes open through all of this past week’s CCSC meeting. The second meeting of the year started promptly with the introduction of Bathabile Mthombeni, the Associate Officer of the Ombuds Office.  A little known service, the Ombuds Office, located at 660 Schermerhorn, offers a “confidential, informal, […]

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Bwog reports from the first CCSC meeting of the year. Like the first day of class, the first CCSC meeting of the year had little in the way of substance. Instead, just as that first class gives students a chance to see how a teacher will run proceedings, the mostly new CCSC members (only 8 […]

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Much of last night’s CCSC meeting split two ways was concerned with the CCSC Town Hall and College Days, with George Krebs and Robyn Burgess reminding the council members to come out. Actual news was little in evidence, with one exception: VP for Policy Adil Ahmed, CC 2010 President AJ Pasuca, and CC 2010 VP […]

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While you despair/rejoice/fret over your housing number, some other news to take your mind off singles and square feet: the “Study Day Project” has been resolved! Presumptive CCSC President Sue Yang filled Bwog in on the details: Registrar John Carter and Brady Sloan have determined that there will be 2 study days next semester: Tuesday, […]

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The Elections Board has released  the full list of candidate for CCSC, and the competitive races are few and far between. In fact, only three races are contested this year – 2010 and 2012 class councils, and academic affairs representative. The races for Executive Board, 2011 class council, University Senate, and student services and pre-professional […]

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On the night of the filing deadline, Sue Yang’s “Action Potential Party” has announced their ticket. The other nominees: VP for Policy: Sarah Weiss, CC ’10, head of Columbia Urban Experience, former Hillel board member, and a member of the search committee that selected Michele Moody-Adams VP for Communications: Sana Khalid, SGB rep, Intergroup Chair […]

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The deadline may have been pushed back, but candidates have already started to fall into place for CCSC elections, plotting the best ways to invade your life with posters.  As usual, only some of the major tickets have received challengers (so far). The most competitive race looks to be for senior class president, with many […]

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Credit where it’s due: ever since Bwog noted the strange existence of next winter’s Study Day, the student councils have been working to make the best of a bad calendaring situation (the academic calendar that spawned study day was set into place back in the 90s). And now according to CC 2010 VP Sue Yang, […]

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While you’re trundling through another night of studying for this year’s exams (or have joined the lucky few who are done), let’s look ahead to the New Year. More specfically, CC ’10 VP (and potential presidential candidate) Sue Yang got in touch with Bwog about how next year’s “Study Day” conundrum is being handled.  Two options remain on the […]

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It’s never too early for CCSC gossip! (Or, you know, maybe it is.) Still, rumors have already started swirling about who’s going to be on the top of this year’s tickets. Here’s what we’ve heard — agree or disagree in the comments, or email us ( if you have any more gossip.  CCSC Presidential Gossip: […]

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There was much uproar in response to our Shocking Revelation that next fall, the traditional Reading Week will morph into a tiny, hellish creature known as “Study Day.” Is there anything to be done about the unfortunate calendering? CCSC offers up a resounding “maybe!”  According to 2010 VP Sue Yang, who’s point person on the […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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