Ever noticed the creeping band of children’s rhymes the scroll along a wall of Morton Williams? Well, we have, and we were curious. Bwogger, part-time exorcist, and pumpkin enthusiast Phoebe Newton checks it out for us. Morton Williams was not always a grocery store. Long ago, before the food, before the ubiquitous franchise, the brothers […]
As Bwog dragged our weary old feet out of Hamilton today, we saw three adorable lil’ rascals climbing the big tree over Hamilton lawn. They were a heart-warming bunch to say the least. Note abandoned bicycles and scooters at the bottom of the tree. Climb on, comrades!
Photo by AB Bwogger Anish Bramhandkar started his year off right by heading up to the 12th floor of Mudd to catch a few minutes of Disney/Pixar’s Monsters Inc., spotted on one of those ubiquitous flatscreens. Why is SEAS spending its considerable brainpower on kids’ movies? Bramhandkar suggests the display is designed to convince […]
Bwog’s Associate Child Wrangler and Grassy Median Monitor Austin Brauser spotted a small person hiding in the brush on College Walk. Are the British back? Is he a CUAssassin? Don’t be alarmed – he’s probably just defending himself from stressed-out Columbians. After the jump: Young person threatens cameraman.
This egg donor thing sounds a lot harder than it ought to be. HAnSoN!!1!?!?!!1!1111omg News from a neophyte Headwear for the Spence set Beats Turkey In Russia, does Gary Shteyngart read you?
There is the most mouth-watering fundraiser out on College Walk right now, thrown by the (mostly) women of the Columbia Greenhouse Nursery School. Cupcakes, cookies, muffins–it’s like the platonic ideal of a bake sale! There’s also a sign for “Apple Day,” which apparently happened over the weekend, but which we think should happen every day […]
If you’re trying to study in Butler right now, you probably already know that there’s a giant children’s reading party going on out on the lawns–it’s part of the Times-sponsored Great Children’s Read, and a zillion tiny people have turned out to ensnare you on your way to midterms purgatory. If you’re able to escape, […]
Tipster Mariela Quintana, who volunteers at Park Slope’s 826nyc (a tutoring endeavor of Dave Eggers & Co., and previously featured on Bwog for its Superhero Supply Store), was kind enough to pass along a link to a new blog, “Fish Slaps A Baby,” started and run by their elementary-school-age students. Here you’ll read on such […]
For those of you still in need of your last fill of summer, Broadway is brimming with the capitalist and culinary delights of a street fair. And for those unfortunate enough to be holed up in Butler this early in the semester, here’s Bwog’s best attempt to convince you to go outside for some fresh […]
Bwog editor emerita Sara Vogel bumped into Jon Scieszka, one of her childhood heroes, on 112th street and Broadway a few weeks ago. When she found out that the author of The Stinky Cheese Man and other Fairly Stupid Tales, Math Curse, and the Time Warp Trio series got his Master’s at Columbia in the […]
Professor Karl Kroeber is restless of mind, the sort of academic who likes pioneering new fields and then abandoning them. The loquacious and sagacious fellow, brother to Ursula Kroeber Le Guin [see right], currently teaches the ever-popular children’s lit course. He talked to us about growing up, “the business of imagining,” why he hates Disney, coming to terms with cancer, the Navy, and just about […]
EC Security guard, after smiling kindly to a woman whose child had been rampaging wildly through the security room: “I just wanna get down there and [slaps his hands together] that shit…God I hate her…” [continues as tipster makes his escape] In front of Avery: “I mean just because she’s Jewel’s sister doesn’t mean she can […]
In its typical stalker fashion, Bwog followed a group of children this afternoon, fascinated by their caretakers’ kid control technique. What would happen if we tugged the string? The leaders, apparently, have a better way of dealing with differently-minded youngsters. “S-T-O-P everyone! Someone got a flat tire,” one said, and the line came to a […]
Some of the delightful things Bwog has seen around the neighborhood on this pleasant, balmy Saturday: People on 110th street were loading these marked boxes into a big truck.On closer inspection, the boxes turned out to be penny harvest kits. Sixth grade fundraiser anyone? And some kids were playing leap frog outside John Jay dining […]
116th and Amsterdam may never have seen this many farm animals since, well, there were farms here. Throw in picnic food, facepainting, raffles, toy and clothes sales, and one giant inflatable firetruck, and you might just forget about that 20-page paper due on Monday. Sorry for reminding you. More photos after the jump.
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025