It may not have equaled the original Big Kiss — or even Big Kiss II — but the Queer Alliance and QuAM’s today’s Kiss-In got its point across. “When we’re organizing around sexual identity and you say we’re talking too much about sex — it’s ridiculous!” said Activism and Service Chair Peter Gallotta, spreading his […]
Late-night news in “Giant Inflatable Penis-gate,” as the queer community has moved quickly to respond to the controversial editorial published in Wednesday’s Spectator. In addition to the factual errors, the editorial is also attracting controversy for alleging that Queer Awareness Month “must be sure to focus on awareness and education before revelry.” The “revelry” in […]
An amused tipster — who has thoughtfully already coined the phrase “Giant Inflatable Penis-Gate” — has just pointed Bwog in the director of Spec‘s recent correction to this morning’s staff editorial on Queer Awareness Month. The correction reads: “Because of an editorial mistake, the original version misstated that Columbia Queer Alliance was responsible for Queer […]
According to CCSC: 20% of Columbia student council members favor swipe access reform — 84% of Barnard students find the current swipe policy inconvenient. According to Bollinger: Few students understand financial crisis; students are generally happy. According to Career Center rep: Career fair attendance went up 84% this year. According to the Spectator Editorial Board: […]
Oh look, the Spectator has launched its latest venture into the blogosphere. This one’s called Spectacle, and it’s an arts and entertainment blog. Ahoy, Spectacle! (Fun fact: years ago, Spec‘s entire A&E section used to be called “Spectacle.”) So far there’s been disparate chatter about movies, video games, and food, among other things. Fare thee […]
The matter of how the 200 Obamacain seats would be assigned was a pressing concern for about 15,000 of you. At the same time, many campus media organizations applied for press credentials (which were approved — or, in all cases but two, denied — by ServiceNation), so that they could record, report, videotape, and photograph […]
After several application deadline postponements, our dead-tree friends at the Spec have finally chosen their new set of opinion columnists. Some old Bwog favorites have returned, some fresh faces have been added, and it’s not known who gets the Friday death slots. Anthony Kelley, CC ’09, who wrote what IvyGate called “The Batshittiest Spectator Column […]
Chief Course Directory tipster Jake Miller informs Bwog that this morning, for the very first time, students have access to a full list of this year’s CC professors. For the confused Elevens, we’ve asked some informed upperclassmen (all of who received passing grades in CC!) with whom they recommend taking the class. Powerhouse celebrities Max […]
The New York Times is reporting some big news for Marcus Brauchli, the positively dapper gentleman pictured to your right. Brauchli, CC ’83 and Spec alum, is on the brink of being named the executive editor of the Washington Post. He was formerly the managing editor of the Wall Street Journal but resigned in April. […]
Over at Gawker, which time and time again has displayed a curious fascination with the Good Ship Spectator, it seems there’s been a tiff between Speccie Alexandria Symonds and star of MTV’s delightfully realistic The Paper/soon-to-be NYU student Amanda Lorber. Lorber apparently took issue with Symonds’ review of The Paper published nearly two months ago […]
Bwogger Lydia DePillis noticed that attempting to reach the Spec‘s website now brings one to the following message: Ruh-roh. Has Spec not been footing the bill’s for its web presence? Or perhaps it simply went the way of the Barnard Bulletin, whose foray into the world of the Internet was all too brief.
As the spring semester came to a screeching halt all too quickly yesterday, levying reading week and an ignominious batch of finals upon Columbia students quite eager to enjoy the pre-summer sunshine, Columbia Daily Spectator production also came to a halt yesterday, with an equally cheery promise to resume coverage in the fall. While Bwog […]
UPDATE 2:42 PM: Damooei just called Bwog to inform us that the final word from Robert Taylor is that the Elections Board is not going to consider Krebs’ rules violation complaint because of the deal struck between Ness, Krebs, and Damooei. No idea what we’re talking about? Read on… The front page of today’s Spectator […]
Gawker, whose staff apparently checks all the Columbia news websites every ten minutes for changes, is muscling onto Bwog’s turf a little bit this afternoon. Namely, catching Spec with its pants down with the following correction tucked at the bottom of yesterday’s caustic anti-Tibet editorial: CORRECTION: This submission misstates that one Dalai Lama admitted to […]
Bwog attended the annual Blue Pencil Dinner in Low Rotunda last night to see how the other half lives. Our impression follows. At 8:30 on Saturday night, the staff, alums, and distinguished guests of the Columbia Daily Spectator traipsed into Low Library in their finery for an evening of hobnobbing and a speech by Leonard […]
In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025“I’m The President Of Barnard”: Barnard President Laura Rosenbury Authors Op-Ed Addressing Student Protests
March 6, 2025