Last night on Twitter, fueled mostly by being lonely in Butler, Bwog decided to try a contest: Tweet us your cleverest Columbia-related government shutdown joke and maybe we'll give the writer of the best one a prize — Bwog (@bwog) October 1, 2013 Since then we’ve decided that, yes, we will give a prize to the […]
During the tree-lighting ceremony last Thursday on College Walk, our darn-diddley Dean added to the College’s finals-burden by announcing a little extra-curricular pop quiz. Though the quiz is merely a pesky distraction for our more SEAS-minded peers, Bwog is skittish (and uncomfortably reminded of consulting interviews). The Dean, however, says it’s something technical yet accessible. […]
These are some submissions for our Halloween costume contest. Pretty good, right? Send more to
It’s that time of year again, when we all dress up as our favorite characters/memes/concepts and brown out in a toga eat candy and have fun! To commemorate, Bwog is holding its two traditional contests: the costume contest and the pumpkin carving contest. Just take a picture of your costume/pumpkin you make and send it to […]
GS student/surfer/model/philanthropist Will Tant will compete with four other finalists beginning today to guest host an episode of “Live With Kelly Ripa.” Each day this week, one of the contestants will be eliminated until only the winner remains. If Will scores the host spot, he’ll get to appear alongside guest Will Ferrell on July 24, which happens […]
Bwog has never been a great public speaker, but you might be! You’ll never know until you try, and in a new bit of progressive idealism, TEDxColumbiaCollege invites you to do just that. TEDxCC is recruiting students from all levels and schools of Columbia University to speak at their event this coming October, themed “Beyond […]
And now for Bwog’s latest effort to be just like The New Yorker: our first caption contest! Because we want more than your excited, outraged, or bored post comments. We want the raw expressions of your psyche, in one line or less. You know the drill: examine, interpret, express. Comment with your most incisive, searing […]
It takes boldness to be a Barnard woman. It takes fearlessness. It takes an unlimited data plan, and still having a Blackberry. Only the bold get coffee. Only the bold get knowledge. Barnard women: if you can’t read the text below, text your boldest moment to 330c5890 or 330c5af by Thursday at 5 pm to […]
Tonight is the night is the night: the first snowfall of the year, minus Halloween’s premature snowmaggedon. Tonight’s weather report predicts sweet, soft, snowfall starting at midnight. So at least tomorrow’s hangover can be sledded away on fresh powder. It’ll relax everybody! For the first intrepid snow-goer to snap a shot, Bwog promises icy, free beer, of […]
Attention Columbia detizens of the twittersphere (tweetcosystem?)! Columbia’s Center for Student Advising is currently holding a twitter contest in which students are challenged to summarize their life in six words or less. The winner of the contest, to be selected “randomly from the most creative entries” at noon tomorrow, will nab an iPod shuffle. Submissions so far range […]
It’s almost Halloween-long-weekend, and you know what that means. Dressing up as a Lit Hum character, throwing up on someone else’s costume, and Bwog’s annual costume contest! Send us pictures of your costume at and if you win, we’ll buy you some beer and candy. Plus, you’ll be famous forever. Happy Halloween, friends! See […]
Hello there! Are you in a living situation that is in some way notable? Do you like diamonds and fame? Would you like to be featured on Bwog then email us in a year when you’re looking for a job to ask us to remove your last name? Well, perfect. Bwog is looking for living […]
The complete numbers have just come in for the class of 2014 CCSC election, and it was a close one! So close, in fact, that second place finisher for President, Matthew Chou, contested the results. But before we get to the grounds of the appeal and the response of the Elections Board, here is the […]
Finally, white smoke! After much deliberation, Bwog’s Halloween Conclave has named Rick Betita and his “Clippy, the Paper Clip from Microsoft Word” costume the winner of Bwog’s Annual Halloween Costume Contest. Rick will be getting a surprise candy bar some time in the next six months. Happy Halloween, all.
Tonight and tomorrow night, many of you will be affixing costumes or cardboard or facepaint to yourselves, sacrificing sartorial control to the great Gods of Halloween. So, Bwog’s announcing our third annual Halloween Costume Contest, in which you are invited to send us photographs of your chilling and charming outfit this evening. Favorites from last […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025