Just in time for the last week, Bwog is putting out another challenge to you all you photoshop-skilled procrastinators out there because of the amazing products of the Gulati photoshop contest. This time, DSpar is getting the photoshop treatment. We have chosen a professional, versatile, and still slightly intimidating photograph of Barnard’s great president. Bonus […]
Barnard’s COO (Chief Operating Officer), Greg Brown, is heading down to Swarthmore after eight years serving on the west side of Broadway. As the COO and formerly as the VP for Finance and Planning, he sponsored “Taking Care of Barnard” and in 2012 was named Administrator of the Year by SGA. The times, they are […]
First, DSpar is meeting up with Barnard’s old friends Barack and Michelle Obama today, at a special White House event on creating better opportunities for low -income and traditionally under-served students to succeed at college. The event started this morning at 8:20 and will resume at 1:45. You can watch it here. She’s also live-tweeting […]
We had this crazy premonition that something like this might happen today. That’s right, it’s the first preview of the November issue of The Blue and White magazine!!! With features on SWS, endangered languages in the Ivy League, and a conversation with Rick MacArthur, the new issue is sure to shock, awe, and amaze. We’ll whet your […]
Sometimes Bwog can’t get enough feminism. And by that, we mean generally speaking insofar as feminism means being a DSpar fangirl and Bwog’s role within the walls of a women’s college. On occasion, Bwog does find some feminism on the other side of Broadway. On Monday, Bwog’s resident Columbia feminist Roberta Barnett checked out a […]
Last night, DSpar and SGA joined forces to host a Fireside Chat with the woman who pretty much has it all but wants you to know it’s ok if you don’t. Luckless lottery loser Kyra Bloom sat in and listened up. Tomorrow we’ll be posting The Blue and White’s review of DSpar’s new book. Admittedly, I volunteered […]
This past Monday, Barnard president Deborah Spar talked about her new book, Wonder Women: Sex, Power, and the Quest for Perfection. Quest perfectionist Isabella Johnson was there. DSpar’s latest book is a “hybrid” of cultural history, social analysis and personal anecdote. Wonder Women: Sex, Power and the Quest for Perfection is her take on the […]
Some Columbia related news passed in the month of August. We rounded it up for you: Aditya Mukerjee, CC ’12 and the former publisher of Spec, was detained at the airport after setting off an alarm because he had bedbug spray residue on his hands. “You’ve got to understand, when someone of your background, traveling […]
Today was Commencement for the entire University, where all graduates were made official and all deans made nerdy inside jokes about their schools. Read on for memorable quotes, pictures, and videos. Remember: tonight the Empire State Building will be lit up Columbia blue and white. And more importantly, Bwog is proud of you. PrezBo: “It […]
Last night, SGA was joined by Barnard celebrity and president, Debora Spar. With enthusiasm, Maddie Ball was there to bask in her radiance. Debora Spar does not merely answer questions so much as she charms everyone in her midst. After all, how could she not? The president, affectionately nicknamed DSpar, is beloved by the entire […]
At tonight’s SGA meeting, DSpar announced plans for a new library at Barnard. Providing the funding comes in, Lehman Library will be demolished and a new, 11-story library will be put in its place. This comes as a follow-up to her presentation at Rep Council last semester in which she announced that the Board of […]
Last night, Speaker of the City Council Christine Quinn stopped by Barnard to campaign for mayor discuss the problems facing women and those facing the city. Bwog’s City Hall bureau chief Peter Sterne reports. The Diana Event Oval auditorium was packed with Barnard (and a few Columbia) students hoping to hear from Quinn, who is […]
Dorothy Denburg, BC ’70 and the former Dean of Barnard College who currently serves as “Vice President for College Relations“, will be retiring next year. She has overseen student and alumni activities at Barnard since 1993. Later today, DSpar will send out a touching email announcing Dean Denburg’s retirement, which Bwog has obtained. Here it […]
Bwog’s favorite strong, bold, and beautiful president (sorry Prezbo) published an opinion piece in the Washington Post on Thursday regarding the experience of women in higher education and in its effects on their experience in the work place–specifically the lingering pay-gap between them and their male counterparts. President Spar reminds us that, even though it […]
Barnard is hosting a forum tonight for members of the community to process and support each other through a discussion on last week’ tragic shooting in Newtown. In a message sent to the entire Barnard community President Spar writes that “While there are no easy answers, we hope that coming together in this way will […]
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