Since Halloween tragically fell on a Monday this year, Bwog took the necessary precautions this past weekend to take in as much of the spooky holiday’s spirit and spirits (the liquid kind) to keep the festivities alive and well. Check out what the ghoulish activities people were up to! Dead yet undead: Stole a sign from Baker Field […]
Hi friends! Fall break has officially begun, leaving us all with a joyous long weekend to dress up as cats and drink our midterm sorrows away. Just as you are looking forward to your break from school work, Bwog is also excited to have a little alone time at home with our dog and our Roku. […]
Bwog checked in on everyone’s favorite hair supply store/salon/costume depot after the annual mad dash for last minute costumes that is Halloween and chatted up store manager Jesus, who went as Kanye West for Halloween, about the surprisingly normal week the store had. Bwog: Just a back of the envelope approximation, how many costumes did […]
Ah, Halloweekend, that magical time when you smear makeup with glee, get punny, and make out with a banana. It’s a memorable weekend for all, even more so when it morphs into “fall break” and everybody creeps away into their caves–whether staycationing or retreating back home. To commemorate Halloweekend 2013, we bring you field notes. One for […]
These are some submissions for our Halloween costume contest. Pretty good, right? Send more to
After getting your fill of tantalizing Chinese food at last night’s Night Market, now comes halloweekend feast part deux. This time, the Columbia University National Undergraduate Film Festival (CUNUFF) and AKPsi offer a stoner’s fantasy. Come to Lerner Cinema at 10 p.m. for a screening of Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle and free White Castle. […]
Congratulations to CSC for last night’s unforgettable Night Market. Amidst the food trucks, the performances, and the dragon dance, there was a huge turnout and all left satisfied. Food was eaten, drums were beaten, and halloweekend kicked off to a great start. Photo by Elyse DeWitt
Natural Disasters: Columbia University researchers have said that the retreat rate an Antarctic glacier will be sped up 20 years, thus increasing global sea levels. (RedOrbit) Monsters: The protagonist of the prequel to The Thing that is being released this week is a Columbia University graduate student. (Craig Daily Press) Finance: Bloomberg has rated Columbia the […]
Night number two of this year’s Halloweekend—that’s a thing, we swear… use it—brings with it the longest line Morningside Heights has seen since Campo Mike first introduced “Cloud Nine Saturdays” (may they rest in peace). And fear not, freshpeople, you don’t even need a fake ID once you reach the front! A tipster reports a […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025