Former Bwog Sports Editor Abby Rubel remembers a time when JJ’s mozzarella sticks tasted like they do in Italy.
There’s just something special about cats with thumbs…
Youngweon Lee, Editor in Chief of Bwog, spends a lot of time on Twitter. So does Hamilton Deli, her to-go spot for delicious hot sandwiches located on 115th and Amsterdam. This may or may not be a “literary” analysis. You can decide. In case you didn’t know, Hamilton Deli has a Twitter (@HamiltonDeli). In addition […]
First Amy leaves, and now it appears that HamDel is undergoing unexplained cosmetic surgery. What will be next? Limited hours with a breathalyzer test at the door? A man can only handle so much change.
Bwog’s love for HamDel is no secret, but our long-term relationship with Amy the HamDel Lady certainly surpasses any fling we’ve had with a specially sauced Lewinsky. For that reason, it is with great sorrow that we now report to you that our darling Amy has left HamDel for good. For the past week, we’d been missing Amy’s judge-free service […]
HamDel has always been our go-to for a number of collegiate necessities, albeit generally of the comestible variety. Where would we be without our beloved Lewinsky, our oft-craved Stallone? Even when we’ve needed some preemptive ibuprofen to go with our late-night (read: drunken) meal, HamDel has always pulled through. And just when we thought we […]
HamDel is open 24 hours/day—except on Sundays, when it closes at 9 pm, which has led to much embarrassment as this Bwogger has tried to get NYPDs and Twisters at 2 am on Monday mornings. But tipster Cole Diamond sends in a picture that may point to salvation! HamDel will be open 24/7 during finals […]
Bwog noticed this addition to the menu board at HamDel, and we plan to make it our next drunken order at 2 a.m. (read: tonight). Have you tried the Unknown Grilled Combo? Let us know in the comments!
There are many other members of both the Columbia and Morningside communities who make the years here a little more enjoyable. We at Bwog feel they deserve a little time in the spotlight for all their hard work. Today: Amy the HamDel lady 2:00 A.M. on a Saturday night: you’re all but crawling home, you […]
“French fries in a bowl,” circa 2006 The Wikipedia Collection The smell of old grease wafting from Morningside’s finer college-grade establishments is irresistible in this indecisive weather. But which one to pick? The musty, fast-paced oil of HamDel? The old-fashioned, touristy lard of Tom’s? Or, the sushi-soba mix of M2M? In this installment of “The […]
It’s after midnight, and you’re tired. While Bwog can’t help you create your own individually tailored regimen of stimulants, we can provide your best nearby source of stimulating drinks to get you through that all-nighter: Morton, JJ’s or Hamdel. The four drinks: Red Bull, generic coffee, Lipton tea, and Coke or Pepsi all of which […]
In the midst all this heart-breaking excitement about John McCain, we were reminded to check in (as we do from time to time) with his daughter Meghan, CC ’07. Today Meghan answered 11 questions for MSNBC, in which she revealed her love for HamDel and her father’s love for Tom’s. Tom’s. “Q: Your dad is […]
Though we previously reported the Death of Off-Campus Flex, we’re here to edit that pronouncement. Kind of. While Hamdel sandwiches remain just out of reach (so close, yet also far!), CCSC President Michelle Diamond just announced that University Hardware is now accepting Flex. This way, you can use all the cash you don’t spend on […]
Bwog contributor Christopher Morris-Lent recently directed us to We think, if you’re expecting ABC Specials and E-mail Deluxes, you’ll find it amusing.
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025