Fans of Hungarian Pastry Shop, Vampire Weekend, and singles: Harmony Hall might just be for you.
Why does one of the dorms farthest from campus smell like a popular fast food restaurant? Staff writer Ezra Lerner has a theory. A question that has plagued me since I first walked into the lobby of Harmony is “why does it smell like a McDonald’s?” (Don’t argue with me on this. If you don’t […]
Continuing Bwog’s hunt for housing, we now present Harmony Hall, in all of it’s far-off mystery. Location: 544 W. 110 St, between Amsterdam and Broadway Nearby dorms: Carlton Arms, 110. Stores and restaurants: Rite Aid, Westside Market, Duane Reade, V&T’s, Chipotle, Five Guys, Koronet, Mel’s Burger Bar, Insomnia Cookies, 1020. Cost: The cost for upperclassman housing is […]
Columbia students really aren’t the best with maps. Whether we’re trying to figure out how Barnard works or asking international students for their images of America’s downfall, we’re learning at Bwog that you should probably have a map handy wherever you go instead of trying to remember it yourself. In this edition, we ask CC […]
Trying to figure out where to live next year? Does your lottery number got you feeling down? If so, we have the perfect series for you. Enjoy one of many updated housing reviews with our review of Harmony. Location: 544 W. 110th Street. Most remote of all the CC/SEAS dorms Nearby dorms: No. Stores and restaurants: Westside! […]
Housing approacheth. And, unless you’re on top of it, it’s probably coming up sooner than you think. Bwog’s got you covered; we’ll be rolling out two housing reviews per day until no residence hall is left un-reviewed. Prepare to get (even more) excited: this year, we’re reviewing Barnard residence halls, too. Reviews for all! Today’s […]
A tipster spotted this questionable queue in Harmony computer lab. Keep Printing Sexy:
Location: 544 W. 110 St, between Amsterdam and Broadway Nearby dorms: Near the College Residence (Barnard, with some Columbia students) Stores and restaurants: A few doors down from D’Agostino’s and across the street from Westside. One block from Chase, Verizon, Rite Aid and Duane Reade. Harmony is the closest dorm to Absolute Bagels, the […]
Fire alarm in Harmony. Stop Drop And Roll Expert Sean Zimmerman sends this photo of the fire trucks outside.
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025