OK, just kidding. But just for a second, the Harvard class of 2010 thought the Hutt-like former president had been brought back for the job: someone sent the gullible young ones an official-looking e-mail announcing the appointment. The buzz over at Bored@Lamont is pinning the prank on the Lampoon. The best part? The practical joke […]
In this week’s issue of New York Magazine, Provost and American History professor Alan Brinkley follows in the steps of department collegue Eric Foner by slamming President Bush. Brinkley’s commentary is a part of the issue’s “psychopolitical survey” in which “a team of historians, Oval Office veterans, and psychotherapists tries to figure out whether Bush […]
Good-for-nothin’ vermin! Gatherin’ round the campfire with Uncle PresBo New pass/fail policy finally wrangled Administration: the snake in yer boot The Superbowl: bigger tradition than last year’s hoedown
Is nothing sacred? Fox News (which one tipster spotted shooting b-roll on campus earlier today) having run through every other permutation of “wild sex” and “Columbia students,” decided to take aim at Bwog’s favorite site at Columbia and possibly ever: www.goaskalice.com, our source of wisdom on everything from dried fruit to dental dams. The host […]
1) Closing at the Lincoln Square 13 today after a mere week in release – the evocatively titled Blood and Chocolate, making room for what promises to be the best bad movie since Perfume, Factory Girl. Quoth IMDB about Blood: “A young teenage werewolf… is torn between honoring her family’s secret and her love for […]
In a debate that could serve as a case study for a 2007 edition of James Davison Hunter’s Culture Wars, followers of conservative Judaism have fought long and hard over whether to ordain homosexual rabbis. At the center of the argument lies the Columbia-affiliated Jewish Theological Seminary, the generally-accepted center of Conservative Jewish thought. Although […]
Girls discuss sexist ageism, M. Cheney talks about forthcoming bundle of joy (Today’s New York Times has great coverage of the fem-fest here) Prez Bo: Columbia has a new…wife? There are five gazillion books in Butler (Could it be more impressive than the iPhone?) Staff to Columbia, re: M’ville: Please don’t embarrass yourself again A […]
Molly Ivins, the nationally syndicated columnist and Columbia Journalism School graduate, died of cancer at the age of 61 today. Ivins, a witty Texan, was known throughout her life for an unpretentious, down-to-earth style as well as her strong, self-proclaimed liberal views. Most recently, Ivins had written in strong opposition to President Bush and his […]
Domain expansion plan emimminent, waiting for eminent domain Homeless wish they were paid $75 to act homeless The Green Monster? Strippers? In case you’re wondering which Republican to vote for… “I Don’t See Any Snakes In This Eden”
Vast uptown expansion? Check. Globe-trotting presidential trips? Check. Providing basic amenitites, like heat, to university buildings? That’s always seemed to prove a little more challenging for this institution. As temperatures in New York plunged over the last two weeks, the radiators at Columbia’s Computer Music Center (the vaunted 125th St. mainstay where the world’s first music synthesizer, […]
Maybe you can win the Marshall, too! The indiscernible likelihood that Barnard women will stay strong, connected, beautiful, bold while waiting for the Nexus It isn’t easy being green Laughing as a evolutionary relic. LOL On the defense, for Israel Bonus: Video on gentrification (yes, a video)
New semester, new season of CTV. Same hosts; same production values (note the dropped audio in the first few seconds of the show); thankfully, same opening sequence, featuring a CTV correspondent stepping out from behind the Butler stacks. Pure gold – and we’re only being half sarcastic. Notable stories on the first episode included: Now […]
Constantino Diaz-Duran, GS ’09, alerted us to a rally at the Egyptian Consulate (2nd Avenue between E. 58th and E. 59th) in support of Kareem Amer. Amer is a 22-year-old college student who has been imprisoned for criticizing the government in his blog. He is currently facing up to nine years in prison and is being kept […]
The road to New Harlem – READ THIS SHIT 2010–not quite out of high school Ithaca falls, Lions justify existence Mmmm….toasty….and sweaty…. One more route to liberation dashed. And this one was so fun!
Whacko Alums Who Amuse and Inspire Wayne Allyn Root, C’83, is considering running on the Libertarian ticket during the next presidential election. More importantly, he has gotten rich by peddling crap, and he knows it. Nevertheless, after a career involving sports news, TV production, gambling, and writing best-selling books such as Millionaire Republican (part of subtitle: “Why Rich […]
Columbia Engineering Student Council Hosts the First Annual SEAS Cardboard Boat Regatta
March 9, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025