It’s cold outside. Like really really cold. Which means that you probably had nothing better to do than sit inside, drink coffee, and check Bwog all day. But in the off chance that you had homework, or something, here’s what you should have read. – Our new sex columnist. You’ll never know who she is, […]
Movin’ Out Parents to Bloomberg: Step off, biatch Like Odysseus, Lions journey to Ithaca to meet large burly men…in Speedos Will work for course credit But you like us…right?
1) If you’ve been ignoring your inbox lately, you probably haven’t heard that Columbia will be graced with the presence of the MIT linguistics expert, sometimes-anarchist, and general wise old man, Noam Chomsky. First, Chomsky will speak about Renaissance man Harold Pinter (weird, no?) for five dollars at Miller Theatre. But if you’d rather hear […]
Columbia goes chartreuse Morningside Heights not a euphemism for this corner of Harlem (And a hearty welcome to SoHa) Staff can’t wait for special pass/fail option until next semester, citing “no incentive to work” Bill O’Reilly knows a lot of shit, has own highly-rated television show And the quote of the day: “In a way, […]
Reflecting the noble efforts of its students, redefining the known world in experimental breakthroughs and subversive anthropology theses alike, Bwog has recently come upon a couple examples of Columbia’s own willingness to fight the dominant paradigm. Follow our earth-shattering eye to… The World of Pop Culture: According to Metro (New York’s #1 newspaper…in contributing to […]
At the same time as the Manhattanville debate is increasingly becoming polarized, Columbia is at the center of another controversy concerning urban planning. This time, the subject is the historical legacy of Robert Moses, who earned his Ph.D. at Columbia in 1914. Moses was responsible for the construction of many of New York City’s highways, […]
Left Wing Jihad scores funds? Left Wing Jihadist scores funds! Spec dreads us having to “likely spend more money on better fakes” Oh, you didn’t know? Yo’ ass better caaallll somebodyyy! Man, I forgot how good Giuliani was. Maybe we should have let him cancel that election. Class of 2010 apparently most athletic in history, […]
The Core has frequently inspired as much acrimony as intellectual curiosity, and no one class has borne so much controversy as the disproportionately-loathed Frontiers of Science. From amid the tepid grumblings of the meekly subjected, however, comes the roar of the freshman class, taking a stand – where else? – on Facebook. Sports, science, and general […]
Why Lee C turned the Harvard job down? Whopping salary still derided for paucity by admiring SEAS kids Free downloadable music! Just for us! No, wait, scratch that, you can only stream it. And it doesn’t work on your iPod. Student reaction: as long as it “isn’t mainstream” or “have janky strings” After Bwog commenters’ aesthetic […]
In which Bwog music critic Bryan Mochizuki forgives the Shins their trespasses and disses the music blogosphere…oh wait… “Phantom Limb” – The Shins Depending on whom you talk to, the new Shins album is either lethargic and dull or some more euphemistic variation on those words. Except for this song. This is THE SHINS. This […]
Admissions Office Receives More Applications, Prepares to Crush More Dreams than Ever Before That Pass/Fail Thing Actually Happens; Newly Cold Weather “Just a Coincidence” New West End Owners Plan to Write Book About Establishment’s History, Drunk, on a Single, Continuous Roll of Industrial Paper Towels It’s a Boy!
Chinese pride (at right) This afternoon at 1:00 PM. Lou Dobbs, eat your heart out. Discoveries of New Burial Plots For a mere $25,000, you can get buried at Duke. But hurry–already 200 reservations have been made. According to the Chronicle, “the one-and-a-half acre area first opened in response to requests from alumni in the […]
You’re Going Places, Kid Kudos to Davide Barillari, the creator of The Gates, the borderline salacious student-produced soap opera that we all love to hate (or hate to love). His opus is a finalist in ABC’s SoapU contest, the winner of which gets $20,000 to make a real soap opera. Make sure to vote on the website, too- as of […]
Bloomberg to World: We’re more diverse than you! Minutemen are racist, fascist etc. So don’t suspend us for running onto the stage. Recycle your soda cans and call yo-self an activist. Another Manhattanville staredown begins. Wrestling in the Buff for all the marbles.
Bwog music critic Bryan Mochizuki would really like to have a mixtape review for you this week. Unfortunately, this happened two nights ago, and since Drama is the biggest DJ in the game, everyone is clamming up., the site that streams them for free, didn’t stream anything yesterday, and all of the places to […]
Columbia Engineering Student Council Hosts the First Annual SEAS Cardboard Boat Regatta
March 9, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025