Roar Lion Roar! Welcome to campus class of 2024! With yet another Convocation happening today, it feels like this pride of lions just keeps growing and Bwog couldn’t be more excited. We hope you’re taking every opportunity to explore New York, your new stomping grounds! See something wild? Overhear something particularly wacky during NSOP? Tell us, […]
Update (12:27 pm): LionPAC has released a statement. Find it after the jump. Update (2:26 pm): A student in SJP has released a statement after consulting with other members of the group. Update (5:43 pm): SJP has released an official statement. Update (7:12pm): J Street CU has released an official statement. The kick-off of Columbia […]
As the school year starts, you will be inundated with student groups asking you to leave your fields to flower and join them. Before you go signing up for every listserv under the sun, we wanted to provide you with a brief rundown on the cafeteria of Columbia–those student groups that make the most buzz […]
If you’ve walked past the Steps today, you’ve probably noticed the shouting line of sign-laden students. They’re from the Students for Justice in Palestine, and they’re protesting Israel’s military action in the latest Gaza Strip flare-up. The President of LionPAC, Ron Shapiro, sent the following to the pro-Israel group (italics his): As some of you may […]
If you’re craving not one, but three free pizza dinners, tonight is your lucky night. Here’s how to triple score: Mosey on down to Earl Hall anytime from 6 to 9 pm, where you can hear the Community Impact Open House offer information about their 28 groups, discover community service opportunities, and obviously eat pizza while learning. […]
Power-walking to catch the final hour of Ishmael Khaldi’s lecture on a “Bedouin’s Perspective,” Bwog MEALACtivism Correspondent Sarah Camiscoli had to check the Bwog Bucket List several times to confirm that the location was in fact just a classroom on the third floor of Milbank. In a small room and in front of a small […]
Today, LionPAC will celebrate Israel’s 61st birthday with an event called “Peace of Cake.” As the title suggests, the cake is doubly symbolic – it says Happy Birthday Israel, how old are you now? while at the same time promoting peace in the region. Bwog didn’t know cake could be used as a tactic to […]
Khaled Abu Toameh, an award-winning Arab-Israeli journalist and correspondent for the Jerusalem Post, delivered a presentation last night to a crowd of a little less than 50 students in Lerner Cinema. On a lecture tour sponsored by Hasbara Fellowships, Abu Toameh had also recently spoken at other colleges in the northeast including UPenn, Harvard, and […]
We’re not sure whether this Butler Lounge vandal has left us a bold political statement or a tasteless joke. What we’re sure of is that a small, mostly-desert country has nothin’ on a delicious falafel pocket…
A few who knew that LionPAC had reserved the Sundial for the same time that Lucha and Filasteen were planning a human wall across Low Plaza anticipated a showdown – but would have been disappointed, as the event went down without incident. About 50 people (very roughly speaking), including many of the New York Magazine […]
As if the fountains on Low Plaza didn’t provide enough innuendo for passersby, a fifty foot “rocket” suddenly materialized between them this morning. Who, you may ask, felt starved for such salacious symbolism? Why, the College Dems, Repubicans, and LionPAC, who teamed up to inflate what’s supposed to be, according to their press release, a […]
Always up for controversy, Bwog perked up this morning at a Spectator headline declaring that President Ahmadinejad of Iran had been invited to speak at Columbia. We soon e-mailed Public Affairs Director Robert Hornsby to see if he could save a seat for us, and minutes later recieved this response: “Event was never scheduled. – […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025