For our young NSOP-ers, the academic year has already begun. Intrepid Iliad-er and Feisty Freshperson Garrett Donnelly gives us his report of the first Lit Hum lecture. So we all walk into Roone Arledge Auditorium, each with our slightly dusty copies of The Iliad (thank God for the three-day weekend), to inaugurate our class’ entrance […]
While Bwog is generally not about the op-ed lifestyle, sometimes we’re tipped articles that we think are important to talk about. The following was sent to us by CC first years Miles Hilton, Lara Tang, and a third writer who wished to remain anonymous. This piece does not reflect the opinions of Bwog or its […]
After reading this NYTimes article about literature teaching you social skills, Bwog quickly brainstormed compiled through much effort the complete set of life-lessons first-years will glean from LitHum. Iliad: Sometimes when people get angry they kill people. Odyssey: Non cosi fan tutte. Histories: People lie to make their stories better. Oresteia: Systems of law are helpful. Oedipus: […]
CC first-years made it through their first class! Here, Joseph Milholland, CC’17, tells us all about what happened beyond those Roone Arledge doors. If you would like to write about any of the events (or parties) at NSOP, please email As we entered the Roone Arledge Auditorium, RAs handed out bookmarks, which either listed […]
In memory of one of the best things said at a First Lit Hum Class, Bwog asked freshmen, as they were leaving Roone Arledge, to complete the following sentence: The Iliad is like: the Bible. a journey. boring. Stephen Colbert. Stephen Colbert hosting the White House Correspondents dinner for George W. Bush. no other book. […]
A hearty welcome to the TVC students today! We hope your day goes smoothly. If you see or hear anything funny, or if you just need someone new to talk to, go ahead and email — we’d love to hear from you! Today’s Highlights: Move In for TVC students, 9 am-1 pm Individual Advising […]
Dear readers, we wish we were lying. We were intending to take today lightly, give everyone some space to breathe, give you fun things to watch and read, maybe talk about puppies coming to campus (more on that in a later post). Instead, however, we’ve been informed that this fine university possibly has another widespread cheating […]
Are you a freshman in CC, a sophomore in SEAS, or some weirdo who just takes Lit Hum for fun? You must be shitting some archetypical bricks for your final tomorrow, so Bwog decided to help you. We’ve succinctly and helpfully summarized all the books in the second semester Lit Hum syllabus! These will guarantee […]
Writing papers on three hours of sleep and two shots of espresso is hard, but slaving away in Butler has its benefits–Bwog’s got the composition process almost down to a science. To help you through this finals season, here are some helpful guidelines for getting your thesis statement from your brain onto the page. Last […]
Yesterday was CC 2016’s first Lit Hum lecture, delivered by Gareth Williams. Here are the thoughts of Isabel Robinson, CC ’16. Tuesday afternoon, hordes of freshmen could be spotted milling around Lerner, slowly but steadily making their way through a line that stretched three sides of the building. Buzzing through the air was one main […]
Though lost to history, we are working to bring you whatever we can from the May issue of The Blue & White. Here, Allie Curry explains how we are able to read things not written in English, even though we won’t pay for the convenience. The headline of a 2003 New York Times piece on […]
Bwog shines equally favorably on all cretins of the Core. We did it for CC, and oh, okay, since you insist, Lit Hum gets a bone too. Way back when, a few Bwoggers converted several thousands of pages of reading into limericks—the perfect size for you to memorize in between a breakfast of Red Bull and […]
Update, 12:33 pm: The event is well underway. There are indeed milk and cookies, but the atmosphere is less than convivial and certainly not conducive to munching. Fifty first-years huddle around a teacher, who said to the silent, scribbling students, “Okay, now construct a thesis to go along with these points.” Bwog knows how this sounds—but […]
Alison Herman, CC’15, was dutifully in attendance yesterday afternoon. She keeps it short and sweet below. N.B. Christia Mercer is a Bright Eyes fan. At 2:30 sharp on Tuesday, over a thousand Columbia College freshpeople and one intrepid reporter packed themselves into Roone Arledge Auditorium for their first-ever college lecture. With the help of a […]
The learning starts today. Gather with philosopher queen Christia Mercer (substitute for Lit Hum legend Gareth Williams in the graph) to pore over the Iliad that you’ve all finished weeks ago! Head over to Lerner, the big glass thing, at 2:30. Graphic by Jon Hill
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025