It’s the Veritas Forum‘s forum with Oxford professor John Lennox. He’s discussing why there’s suffering in the world.
From Chewbacchanal to Abacchalypse to Barkanal, some of us have seen many a Bacchanal come and go. But for those who haven’t—or for those whose memories of said festivities are suspiciously “blank”—here’s a little refresher course in what to expect. When and Where Today. Duh. The performances start at 2 pm, and will go ’til […]
Update, 12:03 pm: According to a tipster, they’re changing the ornament. Every Friday, Milvets takes down the flag in front of Low. Is this one of them having extra fun?
Columbia, Barnard, and Teacher’s College support staff are protesting today, right now, just north of the gates. UAW 2110’s contracts come up for review this year, and the University is asking for cuts, which the unions do not wish to grant. A mix of union workers and OccupyCU are walking around, drumming, and shouting things like, “What do […]
Waldo was sad when he heard about Columbia’s ranking as the most stressful school and wanted to cheer us up, so he took a break from visiting museums, cruise ships, and other places where large numbers of people congregate. He visited the Low Steps in the middle of a small street fair yesterday. Can you […]
Kristina Beedzakova, SEAS ’12, spotted this lonely panda bear sitting abandoned on the Low Steps. This tugs at Bwog’s heart strings.
Holy shit, Kofi and Lee just walked up Low Steps like it was no big deal. Bwog is kvelling!
Lookie here! It’s a certain group of students doing a thing together, and singing the fight song! Bwog thinks they are great. And that’s all for tonight, folks.
How else to explain the forty degree swing in five days? Yes, Bwog’s weather meter currently reads 67 degrees out. But without much sun, the steps are sadly somewhat less than crowded. If you’re still wavering on whether to venture out, just remember: it’s back into the 40s after Sunday. – JCD
Public Safety Officer Joseph Feyjoo confronts ski team captain Raphael Graybill Campus Public Safety put an end to the Columbia ski team’s effort to build a ski jump on the Low Library steps tonight. Citing the jump’s potential danger to “small children,” two officers dispatched from Public Safety’s main office ordered the team to “cease […]
The official Bwog weather indicator currently reads 59 degrees, and students have certainly been taking advantage of the temperature spike. The forecast says New York’s back into the 40s after today, so enjoy the sun now! – Photo by LBD
Some of your classmates have already started sitting on the steps, willing to sit there bored, for hours and hours, just to watch Obamacain on the Jumbotron, which your student leaders fought for so valiantly. Michael Snyder and Tobin Mitnick, both CC ’10, said that they weren’t sure they were going to hang around until […]
Wandering tipster Faith Chang has just spotted model Hilary Rhoda engulfed in machine-made fog on Low steps. She’s wearing Christian Louboutin stilettos and leopard-print St. John’s knitwear. Two other models, a bevy of photographers, and a couple of catty interns with bad highlights are also present. Rhoda, the current face of Estee Lauder, reportedly looms […]
Bwog is currently livebwogging from the Low Steps, where we (like many of you) stumbled upon a rock concert. The music was loud (and catchy) as Bwog yelled around in vain trying to figure out what the concert was for. We first ran into Jeffrey Rodriguez, SEAS ’10, of the Intervarsity Christian Fellowship who explained […]
If you managed to swing by the hooplah that happened by the steps earlier this evening, perhaps you were welcomed by Weezer’s Pinkerton album blaring from a laptop while 15 or so students were dancing under the tented sheets. Perhaps you were also offered a loaf of bread by some guy in a Mardi Gras […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025