Astute tipster Helam Gebremariam, C ’07, said Yale’s class day speaker, Fareed Zakaria of Newsweek, was a “total Matt Fox knock off.” She writes: “He made all of the same jokes that Fox did about how Harvard got Gates and Yale got him. He ALSO called someone out (a la Julia Kite) for writing something […]
Matthew Fox’s Class Day speech just hit YouTube, in all its ghostwritten glory. AMENDMENT, 9:45 PM EST: The assertion that Mr. Fox’s speech was ghostwritten is pure speculation, and probably somewhat irresponsible. Bwog apologizes for the potentially specious claim.
For those of you wondering how Speakergate ’07 played out, Chris Szabla took these notes under his blue gown during the speeches. First, Fox called out a Spec quotee: “Matthew Fox singled out Julia Kite for saying that she didn’t know who Fox was, and Prezbo followed with ‘Julia, I didn’t know who he was […]
Spotted in Lerner: Matthew Fox used to sell meal plans and dining dollars. Quoth his visage: “You may want me to get LOST on Class Day, but I can’t get enough of the Ferris Booth Lunch Special! Sign up online for your plan today!” We’re not sure how many people present on Class Day could […]
The Times is a bit behind the times, but hey, at least it proves we’re not the only disappointed ones. That’s ok though, because PrezBo just became a board member of the Times’ main rival, joining such blue-chip luminaries as Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett (this coming after being appointed to the board of the […]
Wipe that crust from your eyes, Columbians. It’s the second day back from Spring Break, and jetlag is no longer an excuse (unless you’re just returning from some three-day hell of flight cancellations and missed connections, in which case…good luck!) While you suck it up and drown yourselves in coffee, here’s some more stuff we’ve […]
Lost actress Elizabeth Mitchell dished on the Daily 10 recently about, well, Lost–and why those crazy Columbia kids would have a problem with her buddy Matt speaking at Class Day. Ha ha ha. Interviewer: They were unhappy that he was picked to speak on class day. Do you think perhaps that it was his advocacy […]
We couldn’t quite believe it when we got an e-mail from Robert Maschio, CC ’88, who plays Todd on Scrubs. But we e-mailed back, and he seems to really actually honest-to-god want to speak on Class Day. In his own words: “Hey Gang, This is Robert Maschio, the actor who plays High-Five Todd on the […]
With our recent posts on Matthew Fox’s impending Class Day speech ballooning to nearly 500 comments, collectively, a protest Facebook group attracting 150 members so far, and even a failed attempt to hawk “Matthew Fox Does Not Speak for Me” buttons (they’ve been removed…we assume ABC’s copyright lawyers struck quickly), this was a story the […]
ESC upset that people who have to run campaigns claim credit for achievements For the sadly Macless among us They’re coming, for reals DOWN WITH FOX (polite version) Columbia is 75% snobs, then? Chris gets Kerouac envy Bonus: From an e-mail sent to us last night… “Too bad you are such a bunch of immature, […]
It’s like Columbia Day over on Manhattan’s favorite gossip site. Now we’re elitist for complaining? (oh, and Ivygate‘s got video). Tasti rival moves in! Bwog misses Soupman. We’ve been trying to avoid this one, but since so many of you seem to think it’s newsworthy (seriously, stop e-mailing us about it), Matt Sanchez has been […]
One of our more distinguished alumni (excerpted): “I’m a liar and a cheat and a thief and the ultimate manipulator. … I tell lies every day, man,” the 40-year-old actor says in the February issue of Men’s Journal magazine. “And when I say I’m phenomenally manipulative, I am.” Fox, who is now starring opposite […]
It’s Matthew Fox, of Lost fame. We hope this is a joke. (Though some of you commenters in the other thread seemed prescient…) A genuine teevee celebrity! Chris Szabla reports: “The general mood among seniors: either appalled, or wondering if Quigley and Chait were playing an extended joke. Even the video montage of headshots from the likes […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025