After the success of Chef Mike’s Sub Shop and Chef Don’s Pizza Pi, the sky’s the limit for Columbia Dining collabs.
Bwog has been tipped several rumors that Barnard’s administration and dining services prohibit BC students from eating at JJ’s Place. Apparently, the BC ’17 and ’18 Facebook pages are in uproar about this policy, which has been in effect since 2011, and some students are saying that they currently can’t get into JJ’s after 8 […]
In a letter to SEAS students tonight, ESC President Chris Elizondo announced tonight that John Jay Dining Hall will most likely open again on Fridays and Saturdays by next semester. In the email, Elizondo writes that ESC and CCSC passed a resolution collaboratively asking Dining Services to open John Jay on the weekends. If John […]
Grant D’Avino reports! Last night’s CCSC meeting opened with introductions, as it was the first meeting that included representatives and officers from the class of 2014. Along with his or her name and position in CCSC, each person was asked to share an adjective that described him or herself at the present. Bwog’s favorites, in […]
Things are going to work a little different for on-campus dining this year. A round-up of the changes, straight from Housing & Dining, follows. Ferris Booth and JJ’s Place are now dining halls. This means they take meal swipes and operate in the same manner as John Jay Dining Hall did. But don’t worry, Ferris […]
In an email just sent out to students, Dean Dorothy Denburg and BC Chief Operating Officer Gregory Brown laid out Barnard’s meal plan for the 2010-2011 school year. Most importantly, all students living on the Quad will have to “partake [in] a new plan at a lower cost and with fewer meals than had been […]
There’s nothing to put a damper on SPRING BREAK 2010! like housing trauma. Barnard students can start registering for housing on March 22nd, as in the Monday after spring break. Registration lasts for a week, until the following Monday the 29th. Lottery numbers will be posted the next Monday, April 5th. New for 2010: registration […]
It’s Barnard Meal Plan Hullabaloo Episode 47: A Case of Logistics! After DSpar’s open forum on February 4th, a plan to form a committee was announced on Feburary 11th. Bwog was recently tipped by one frustrated Barnard student who signed up to be on the committee, but was unable to participate because of the predetermined […]
After last Friday’s showdown in the Vag’s Ovum Oval, the Barnard Administration has come up with a Plan to solve all Plans – one that is unlikely to deteriorate into another chaotic war over microphones. The admins have turned to bureaucracy’s all time favorite problem-solving strategy: it’s time to form a committee! The Meal Plan […]
If you wandered past Barnard’s new Events Oval last night, the first thing you might have noticed at the Meal Plan Forum, even before the presence of the forty or so mostly angry attendees, would have been the two tables of catered food. Ironic, yes, but it did placate the hordes of meal plan-protesters, at […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025