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Posts Tagged with "North Korea"

This past Tuesday afternoon at 12:30 pm, our resident North Korea Korrespondant Clava Brodsky hopped over to William and June Warren Hall to listen to the Weatherhead Institute’s Panel, “Leadership Succession in North Korea: Regional and Global Implications.”  “I know nothing.” So assert Socrates and Sue Mi Terry, a senior research scholar at the Weatherhead […]

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Bucket List represents the unbelievable intellectual privilege we enjoy as Columbia students. We do our very best to bring to your attention important guest lecturers and special events on campus. Our recommendations for this week are below and the full list is after the jump. Recommended “The Idea of Political Reform in Today’s China” Monday, February […]

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Last Thursday, Army General Ray Odierno appeared on the Colbert Report to announce the end of the War in Iraq, and over the weekend, the last U.S. troops rolled across the border from Iraq to Kuwait. Most troops will be home for Christmas, but some 4,000 will remain in Kuwait as a quick reaction force. […]

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Feel the Hunger

Finally, proof that our world is a world of inexplicable contradictions!  Right now, on Low Plaza, two representatives from LiNK—students for Liberty in North Korea—are sitting at a table, trying to get students to sign up for a fast, to take place on October 24th, in solidarity with those going hungry in North Korea.  Which […]

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Nothing like a volatile region pushed to the brink of nuclear conflict to make onstage riots seem like academic minutiae.  For perspective on the Korean peninsula’s unfolding crisis, Bwog’s Nicholas Frisch turned to Joseph Hong, SEAS’07, a Korean-American student, and a human rights activist.  On a personal level, how has this affected you in terms […]

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