What a treat! The super sleek two-level Trader Joe’s is finally open! It’s on 72nd and Broadway, only yards from the subway stop. This is actually a big deal for Upper West Side food politics. UWS shoppers now face the following options within 10 blocks of each other: Fairway, Zabar’s, Citarella, and TJ. For the […]
Good news first: Zen Palate, a reasonably priced Asian-fusion-y (contemporary, right?) vegetarian restaurant is opening on 105th and Broadway. Zen Palate is replacing Metisse, a French-Brazilian-something-fusion restaurant. ZP has yam fries as well as weird and enticing kinds of tea. Read the menu here. Construction has just started, but hopefully it’ll be ready come NSOP. […]
It’s safe to say that Morningside Heights is the culinary center of America. Hey, JK! Since the Pinnacle Incident made everyone debate the merits of Cracker Barrel, Bwog is here to quell your foodie nerves: there are new options! The Morningside food openings, renovations, and gossip: The vacant storefront formerly known as Empanada Joe’s has […]
The Varsity Show has a new website up, and, as the kids are saying these days, it is “quite nifty”. The rectangles of different colors that make up the home page fit together to make a giant rectangle in a very pleasing manner, and there is an excellent picture of several people intensely concentrating on […]
3111 Broadway between 122nd and 123rd Morningside Heights has a new spot to satisfy your sweet tooth. Chokolat Patisserie, long a shuttered storefront, opened within the last month in the beyond-Barnard, downhill stretch of Broadway (although its website is still under construction). If you’re looking for a Hungarian substitute to hunker down and study, Chokolat […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025