A student’s moment of sublime realization outside Butler: “Yeah man, I don’t know what to do anymore. Maybe we should just start hitting up freshmen?” Platonic ideals via Wikimedia Commons
Think your first round of midterms is stressful? At least your parents aren’t in town—note the following exchange between a macho-looking father and his Furnaldian son. The dialogue took place in a Furnald hallway, whilst the father pointed toward the dorm’s notorious resident condom bag. Father: So, have you been utilizing these condominiums? Son: Uhh, yeah. […]
A flustered, out of breath, and out of place student runs into Carleton (Engineering cafeteria) and runs up to a group of engineering students: CC: WHERE IS THE TA ROOM? SEAS: …could you be a little more specific? CC: I’m sorry, I’m a history major! Charming southern gentleman via History Dept.
Two gents chatting in front of Lerner: Guy to friend: “…and she made my bed. That was the first time my bed has been made in three years.” Bedding via wikimedia.
Overheard from Dr. Evelyn Hughes during a Frontiers of Science lecture today: “Just because physicists don’t show videos of frogs doing it, that doesn’t mean we aren’t thinking about it.” We’ll follow suit and spare you, but while we’re on the subject, we may as well introduce you fresh batch of College folk to what […]
False accusations of copyright infringement: “What the hell? I’m blocked from the internet because they’re saying I illegally downloaded a lecture on Jewish Mysticism. I didn’t.” Copyright via Wikimedia Commons, Copyright
Bwog is occasionally inclined to showcase the artistic talent of the Columbia community. One of our renegade ‘toonists, Jamila Barra, is abroad in Argentina this semester studying Spanish (duh), Latin American philosophy, drawing, and ceramics. In her drawings, she captures telltale figments of everyday life in Mendoza and Chile. When Bwog asked her to articulate […]
Two friends stretching on the Dodge mats: Girl: “Oh, I totally smoked a j before I came here. You can really feel the burn, but not in a bad way, I’m more detached.” Guy: “Oh, uhuh” Girl [dancing]: “And I’ve been listening to Foster the People for an hour.” Performance enhancing? drug via wikimedia.
Disillusionment expressed over soggy pasta at Ferris: Student: I thought work ended in high school…this is terrible. Apparent derivation of LOL via Wikimedia Commons
Overheard near the John Jay lawn: Guy: ”My teacher was actually in a porno…” Hat tip to VU Glamor Shot via Wikipedia
Two ambitious lads sharing visions of the future: “I mean, if I had five jackets? Wow. like, most people our age, don’t even have tailored suits” The lofty dreamer’s quip is timely—the fall career fair is tomorrow from 11am to 4pm. Suit up.
Overheard near John Jay, freshpeople learning things from each other: Guy 1: Dude, don’t you like girls? Guy 2: Yeah, I like girls.
Overheard at Barnard “I bought Old Spice and sprayed it all over my room so people would think boys are over.” Across campus, Hartley looked like it needed to tone down on the product a bit:
Here are a few more quotes from your witty and wry professors. Like, um… Pringles, the, uh, fun of professor remarks doesn’t stop after the first day. Feel free to send in any weird, kitschy, or cute thing your professor says as the year progresses. Prof. Musatti ”Unfortunately, most societies still believe in…monogamy.” John Magyar, […]
As of right now, they’re still saying, “Hi,” to everyone they see. Keep your ears open, because freshpeople are a feast of audible delights: Mingling on the John Jay green: “I’m pretty sure that every time I’ve had champagne at Christmas it was just sparkling grape juice.” “There’s also prosecco, that’s Italian” Group of youngish […]
You Can Take the Soviet Out of Russia…
February 21, 2025Freshpeople Housing Review 2022: Wallach
February 20, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2019: John Jay Hall
February 20, 2025Hate Letter: “Midterms”
February 20, 2025