Classes are finally over this Monday–isn’t that swell? Well, we s’pose it would be if there weren’t no pesky finals and papers to finish off. But don’t worry, baby, your folks at Drinking with Bwog, New York’s hottest speakeasy, are here to make sure everything’s fine and ducky. Don’t let prohibition reading week stop you […]
Spotted in Avery: some hungry student ordering pizza.
And so it ends—not with a bang, but with a whimper—the last semester of the first decade of the new millennium. And if you needed more roundabout and somewhat forced catharsis than that, we asked for your professors’ closing remarks, and here is a collection of the most outstanding. Feel free to leave any we […]
It’s time for another installment of our exam season photo essays. The amount of paper crammed into a single desk never ceases to amaze:
One student decided to spruce up the Schapiro sky lounge: The floor lamp might’ve been a little much to get past the Butler guard.
Bwog Daily Editor James Downie was procrastinating by… scoping out the 2009 academic calendar. How else? Anyway, bad news: enjoy reading week this semester, because next fall term, there’ll only a “Study Day.” “Oh no!” you say? Oh yes. Exams run from Wednesday to Wednesday, rather than Friday to Friday, meaning that we have just […]
Bwog ventured into the dark heart of Butler to snap some photos of the most lived-in cubicles, desks, and chairs. Columbia, what we saw, it frightened us: A Red Bull bottle converted into a flower vase for a single dying rose, sheets and sheets of notebook paper used as a make-shift gum cemetery, more of […]
As several commenters have kindly reminded us, the 3rd(?) Annual Finals Eve Pillow Fight will be taking place on South Lawn in front of Butler tonight at midnight (or 11:55, according to the Facebook event). Please bring you game face and a pillow. Pictured at right: some of the carnage from last year’s battle royale. […]
In lieu of a typical Guide to the Weekend, Bwog has decided to poll its listservs and aggregate a more helpful list of activities. The following are answers to the question “What do you do to procrastinate?” We hope you’ll try out one or two (or nine) of our ideas and use the comment thread […]
If Butler’s claustrophobia and competitiveness isn’t your idea of a great study atmosphere, CQA informs us that the LGBT lounge in the Furnald Basement will be open from three to midnight for Tuesday through Thursday of reading week. To those of you whose idea of studying doesn’t involve reading—and really, who even has that kind […]
Bwog wishes all a happy end of classes and a grudging welcome to reading week! While writing a paper this weekend, one B&W editor wondered aloud whether there was any way to highlight text in Word and change the case of the selected text. As per usual, Master of Word Zach van Schouwen was standing […]
Aah, reading week–that grey area between class and finals, when you know you should be studying but really probably aren’t. Looking for ways to pep it up? Bwog is here, in the form of a Seth Flaxman e-mail, to help. 1. Watch movies! (Prep for Sundance) According to the Columbia University homepage, An unprecedented five […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025