This piece offers a satirical look into Columbia’s club culture. It is intended as a satire and constitutes a work of fiction. The piece was inspired by a similar commentary from the writer’s high school newspaper, The Musket.
Columbia has gone sour.
My walk to class is FREEZING and I am SICK OF IT. Join me in helping the fight to accelerate climate change.
Forcing students to take tests about things they don’t believe in is an unacceptable form of compelled speech.
I was the daughter of the spotted lanternfly you couldn’t stomp … until now.
Staff Writer and perennial Dune fan Boluwatife Oshuntolu attempts to explain the monolith of a book without seeming rude.
Columbia University in the American South? Bwog decided to simulate that possibility.
Somehow, one of our staff members has lucked into having no midterms this week. This anonymous Bwogger tells us what it’s like to be “free” this week–or, rather, what we think it’s like. Everyone around me is, in their words, “dying.” On this busy week of ours, libraries are packed and hope is scarce. “One more week,” my […]
Bwog reader Chelsea Carrick submitted the following essay to us in what we find to be an incredibly timely response to recent events. New York, NY—Administrators responded to students’ requests for increased transparency and improved policies surrounding sexual violence at Columbia University by baking a cake. The cake, red velvet, was tastefully decorated with fondant […]
For those racy news items like “Post-Bacchanal Baby Boom: Snoop Dogg in Child Support Suit” you just can’t get from Bwog or the Spec, look no further than Columbia’s newest newspaper, The King’s Spear. The Spear—as its anonymous editor calls it, for short—spans the spectrum from kinda lame, with a Faux-llinger column called “Carroll’s Corner,” […]
New York Times foreign correspondent and two-time Pulitzer Prize winner Anthony Shadid passed away in Syria due to a severe asthma attack. (Columbia Journalism Review) Jon Stewart has temporarily cornered the market on late night satire. (New York Times) Corruption is everywhere. (The Guardian) Never take candy from strangers undercover cops. (AlterNet) Bunnies via Wikimedia […]
Late Nite was last night, and it’s also this night! Peter Sterne thinks you should go, and describes his experience below… The first play, directed by Steele Sternberg, begins with action movie music swelling as the suave Agent 7, played by the even suaver James Rodrigues attempts to…well, it isn’t really clear, but suffice to […]
LateNite Theatre presented the first showing of its fall anthology last night. Bwog’s own Peter Sterne reports. Last night, LateNite presented a series of six short plays written, directed by, and starring members of the Columbia community, as they have for the past 15 years. All of them were quite funny, though they varied in […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025