Last week, we posted some salacious screenshots of the Columbia Class of 2016 Facebook page. This morning we received the following in an email tip from a prefroshbear reader (props!): So I saw the post about the Columbia Class of 2016 facebook page. It was pretty funny, but those posts have nothing on the stuff […]
Last semester, after Early Decision results went out, we checked in on the Class of 2016’s Facebook page. We expected to be, uh, entertained; we were not disappointed. So last week, when Regular Decision stats were announced, we thought maybe that the 2016 Facebook’s page had had time to ferment. Again, we expected something to chuckle at. Indeed, […]
Our own class of 2015, apparently overeager to get their hands on the Masterpieces of Western Civilization, has thronged Bank Street Bookstore! We hope parents were not rude. Enjoy NSOP, children, and order books later! Amazon Student will get you your books cheap and lickety-split, or you can get them neatly packaged from the hip […]
In an apparent effort to jade our incoming 2015 prefrosh before, rather than after, NSOP, Housing has already let down our youngsters. Last year, 14ers got their assignments on July 2nd. This year, Housing only finally released a few today—and then stopped. Predictably, a shitstorm ensued on the 2015 Facebook page. One student posted, “Housing […]
Let’s hope these are freshmen or just visitors. Outside the Law School, two female adolescents: “Wait, where’s NYU?” Overheard on campus, “uptown”: “I’m going downtown today, to 96th Street.” Two CPJ conference attendees standing by the gates spot Alan Brinkley leaving campus: “See that man there? He teaches here. That’s Alan Brinkley, the famous scientist.”
PoliticalLine: Our very own Jeffrey Sachs (director of Columbia’s Earth Institute) did not approve of Obama’s State of the Union Address. Media caught up with him on a bus from Zurich to Davos. That’s usually where Bwog goes, too, to express disapproval. (WSJ) HawkLine: Apparently we’re not the only news outlet with a thing for […]
Community has peeled back the mysterious brown paper, revealing its progress towards a long awaited recovery. Management’s own estimate is about two weeks ’til opening. Close ups below. But what sort of Community will emerge from the remaining ruins? Perhaps, as one passing first-year hypothesized to another, “It will be, like, a really cool juice […]
Bwogger Hans Hyttinen sent in this campaign poster for the Kapma Karma Party running for CCSC ’13. It’s a shame that LitHum doesn’t require students to read the Iliad in Greek, or this confusion may have been avoided. Silly freshmen, a pi isn’t a rho! Oh, and it turns out this may not be the […]
Overheard in Hartley: Awkward Freshman #1: Hey, I really like your shirt. MIA’s awesome. Awkward Freshman #2: Hey thanks! You know, it’s crazy how many people know her here, I didn’t expect it. Awkward Freshman #1: Yeah, well she’s pretty big in Paris, so… Welcome to the LLC, where you’ll find out that you’re not […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025