Social Media Editor Tal Bloom and Deputy Editor Sophie Conrad go head to head over romance.
Single on Valentine’s Day? Do all of your couple friends have plans tonight that leave you high and dry? Never fear! Bwog staffers have compiled some helpful hints for wallowing in your single misery enjoying a fun, self-love-filled day!
Get ready for some top-tier 17-syllable poetry!
There really isn’t much to say about BTS(S), but that’s not surprising.
Bwoggers felt all the love and entered their academic weapon era just before midterm season!
The hottest number of the week? It’s three.
A rising sophomore confesses her love for the residence hall everyone hates.
Ways to stay active without having to set foot into that horrible place.
Staff writer Sofia Montagna attended an event from the Creative Writing Lecture Series in which renowned author Joshua Cohen offered students his advice on creative writing.
Are you excited about the new boba spot on Barnard’s campus? Well, don’t be. Learn to hate it, like us!
Don’t want to spend Valentine’s alone this year? Look no further, Bwog is here to help you find that perfect date.
Consider this Bwog’s first completely anonymous Senior Wisdom but with many more layers of irony.
To commemorate the recent celebration of Bwog’s 17th birthday, Staff Writers Sofia Montagna and Hannah Keyes decided to make a list of 17 things we love about Columbia!
Do you know anyone else with a room covered in aluminum foil? Staff Writer Tara Terranova took a trip to McBain to chat with Warren McCombs, CC ‘23, about his unusual choice in decoration.
Bwoggers connected with friends new and old making the most of the frigid NYC temperatures.
In Defense Of: Using An Umbrella In The Snow
December 28, 2024An Oral History Of The Barnumbia Mascots
December 26, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024