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Before entering the real world, another senior advises his successors. Name, School: Alex Gortman, Creative Writing CC ‘11 Claim to fame: Over the course of a semester, I met a few times with Zadie Smith, a woman both intimidating and beautiful, who once introduced me to her pug dog who, I’m pretty sure, called me […]
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Learn from Learned in this next installment of Senior Wisdom. Name, school: Learned Foote, Columbia College Claim to fame: My e-mail address is on a bunch of spam filters because I send out the Weekly Growler for CCSC. People think my name is a joke and I’m not a real student. Where are you going? […]
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Just cause Valentine’s Day has passed doesn’t mean the lovin’ will stop. This lonely philosopher seeks companionship on a day when many people will be thinking about him… Name, Year, School, Major: Immanuel “Manual” Kant (They call me a “hands on” kind of guy) UKönigsberg 1744, Jazz Studies Preference (guy for guy, etc.): Mind for […]
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Last Minute Luck

CC 2014’ers and 2013’ers are about to sit down for a taxing, excruciating three hours, in which they expound on the entire history of Western thought. Lit Hum and CC finals are happening today, which explains the flurry of flustered kids heading to Hamilton at 12:30. Bwog wishes you the best of luck, and gently […]
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Bwog’s favorite Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz tells America like it is. His advice? Listen to the IMF. (Slate) The J-School recently awarded Al Jazeera English with the Columbia Journalism Award for “singular journalism in the public interest.” Bestowed in light of Al Jazeera English’s recent coverage of the 2011 revolutions in the Middle East, this is […]
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Dinner and a Show

Just because finals start tomorrow in earnest doesn’t mean you can’t have fun tonight! At midnight in 209, CUMB hosts Orgo Night. There will be music, shouting, school spirit, and Barnard jokes. Speaking of the ladies across Broadway, tonight is another Midnight Breakfast. There will be barrels of free food. Barnard seniors may start munching […]
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Spoiler Alert!

It all began when Bwog overheard this conversation: Freshman Girl: Hey, so how did Pride and Prejudice end? Freshman Boy: Oh, they get married. FG: Really? Like her and Darcy? FB: Like yeah. How did you get into this school anyway? We realized that many of you Freshman and Sophomore types might not have had […]
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In honor of Orgo Night, Senior Wisdoms continue with the marching band’s flautist extraordinaire. Name, school: Zoe Lubitz, Columbia College Claim to fame: CUMB Flutist, COÖP Leader (yeahhh bikers), Flute Choir President, former JJ6-er who indeed still takes the elevator Where are you going? Forward. You know those old people who say college was the best […]
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Freshpeople, Bwog can’t believe you kids are already studying for your Lit Hum final! It seems like just yesterday when you were loading taxidermy rodents into your blue bins. In honor of the big test, we’re recycling this gem of a post, and adding a few updates. Below, Bwog presents a playlist of songs with references to […]
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Hailed as one of the most successful female composers of all time, 3-time Grammy winner, Joan Tower, will be at our very own Miller Theatre tonight. The living legend spared some time to talk to Bwog’s ivory tickling enthusiast Carolyn Ruvkun about “DWEMs” and dead lettuce. Bwog: How would you describe your music? Joan Tower: […]
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Hey kids, learn things from your elders… Name, school: Stephanie Riederman, CC Claim to fame: Sanctum editor, Hillel board member, Erstwhile hip-hop blogger, Honorary Swede, The girl who lost her purse Monday night and started sobbing in the middle of 1020. Where are you going? As of now unclear. I’m trying to get my Toby […]
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Okay so you’re basically not allowed on campus again until after graduation, and now you’re all mopey because Snoop is gone from your life and you have nine papers due tomorrow. Good news, friends! Snoop may not be comin’ back, but we have it on the best authority that there are three (3) lovely destinations […]
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this is the greatest sports blog this site has ever seen. bravo (read more)
If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
September 26, 2024
Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
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The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
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Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024

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