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Bucket List represents the unbelievable intellectual privilege and luxury we enjoy as Columbia students. We do our very best to bring to your attention important guest lecturers and special events on campus that will hopefully make you realize how lucky we are to be here. Our recommendations for this week  (and now posted on Sundays […]
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Our very own “Colombia University,” President Obama’s alma mater, seems to play a fascinating role in determining his real birth place.
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Pay heed, potentials. If there is anything we can abstract from this morning’s news, it’s lessons in survival. Don’t slack. While people supposedly seem to like Charlie Sheen because “he barks out the truth as he sees it,” it took the crowd at his latest “aimless and slovenly” show only 20 minutes to start heckling […]
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Lost: iPhone 4

Lost on Butler Lawn Saturday afternoon. Please contact if found.
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CCSC Interviews: UniteCU

This the last of our CCSC Interviews, so now you know everything you need to know to vote, starting Monday. While her fellow sophomores were partying on a boat, Bwog Daily Editor Sameea Butt interviewed another batch of CCSC candidates. Read on to see what UniteCU has to say about CCSC, “Columbia community,” and bureaucracy. […]
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Compared to last week’s serious upheavals in Boringside, the latest dispatches from the ‘hood are somewhat less traumatizing. However, please do not underestimate the significance of these minute changes. Last but not least, Absolute Bagels, in typical Boringside style, raised their cream cheese prices by 30 cents to $2.25.  
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We posted the first CCSC Interview earlier today, and will have the third and final one up later tonight. Here’s the next ticket, CU Charge. Check out what they had to say to Bwogger Alex Jones about their campaign. But first of all, you can assess the party’s patriotism and energy by listening to their […]
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Guys, Fall 2011 course registration begins on Monday! Ordinarily, that might be a cause for panic and worry, but now, it’ll be your new source of procrastination. Enter the Schedule Builder. Created by Ryan Bubinski, CC ’11 and one of the lovely members of Columbia’s ADI, the Schedule Builder helps Columbia undergraduates “with course discovery […]
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The 117th Annual Varsity Show will run from April 29 to May 1. If it’s anything like the preview, it sounds like it might be worth your while. Get your tickets online or at the TIC before April 14th for the early bird discount! If you’re feeling generous, splurge on a VIP ticket. We’re not quite […]
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NOM^3, your favorite student run catering group, is giving away Banh Mi in the middle College Walk. What is Banh Mi, you ask? A vegetarian/vegan Vietnamese sandwich with pan-seared tofu, fresh cucumbers, sautéed onions, and pickled daikon. Our Nommer contacts tell us that donations are appreciated and will go to Relay For Life. Speaking of […]
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We apologize for being a little late to the game on this one (the events  began yesterday), but Clash of the Classes is finally here! As of Friday, we hear that the juniors are in the lead with 1820 points, followed by the freshmen with 1170. You’d think the seniors are slackin’ with only 180 points, but […]
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Yesterday Brian Wagner sat down with some CCSC candidates to grill them on the most controversial and pressing issues du jour. They said funny and serious things! But first off, because they’re all down to earth, fun-loving, patriotic Columbians, the candidates also agreed to spend some time in Bwog’s recording studio to sing Roar, Lion, […]
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The new bioengineering building is under constitution at the medical center. (read more)
Biomedical Stress: A Poem
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If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
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Love the new biomedical building under construction at the medical center. (read more)
Biomedical Stress: A Poem
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I LOVED THIS PIECE!!! Sophie Jones did gods work and provided vital information while being funny :)) (read more)
The Best (And Least Smelly) Times To Hit Dodge
September 21, 2024

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