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In case you hadn’t heard, a cobra is missing from the Bronx Zoo. According to its Twitter, the serpentine sojourner has even made a visit to Morningside Heights! But never fear, Delirium’s some-bar-with-a-Delirium-branded-chalkboard’s got your back:
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At last, the time has come. Welcome to the Housing 2011 liveblog, where Bwog blogs about housing live. We’ll be here all day every day for the entire selection process. We will update the chart at the top of the site as often as possible, post the official Housing whiteboard, and tell you about the […]
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President Obama is heading to Harlem for a fundraiser at the Red Rooster tonight, and the cost of admission is a cool $30,800. It’s the Commander in Chief’s first visit to the neighborhood since taking office. Who knows, maybe PrezOb (BO?) will stop by Columbia—go go gadget POTUS Project!   Grainy Image via Wikimedia Commons
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In this installment of Professor Interviews, Conor Skelding sat down with Professor Gareth Williams, whose Selections from Latin Literature: Horace class you ought to take. His office is filled with many leather bound books and boasts a prominent ligneous writing desk, while his computer is relegated to the corner and rarely used. He’s also reeaaally into Lit […]
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Katheryn Thayer keeps you informed: At an hour overtime, tonight’s meeting was a nail-biter, folks. Most of that time was filled with debate over constitutional amendments. The president got downright snarly when representatives discussed having exclusively two-thirds majority votes, taking away her power to decide when 50+1 votes require a stronger consensus. The discussion was so heated that […]
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Sean Zimmermann reports from last night’s ESC proceedings: The University has purchased a device that will allow electronic guest sign-in for dorms. Ideally, it will be installed in EC before the end of the semester. This comes as part of a larger overhaul of EC’s entrance. The current plan is to remove the grating now in place, […]
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Binoculars make researching what is directly in front of you much easier Phones are no longer the only consumer product to be made from bananas! Researchers in Brazil have developed a plastic from the cellulose in bananas and other plants that can be used in cars. (Wired) Content farms do not grow bananas, pineapples, or […]
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Location: 70 Morningside Dr. Nearby dorms: The rest of EC, Wien. Nothing else. Stores and restaurants: HamDel, Appletree Market, SubsConscious, Kitchenette (!) No banks or large grocery stores, but there is a Citibank ATM on the 4th floor of SIPA. Cost: $8,210  dollaz. Amenities: AC/Heating: Yes and yes. Kitchen/Lounge: The kitchens are well-outfitted and recently […]
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Anthony Johnson, CC ’13, was arrested on Tuesday after a package he ordered containing 42 fake IDs was intercepted in Lerner. Spec reports that he went into the scheme with a group of friends, who each ordered two cards. He has been suspended from school until his court date in June, and charged with 42 […]
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Lost: Blue Backpack

Blue backpack with “Mountain Equipment Co-op” logo. Last seen in John Jay Dining Hall. Contains “Don Quixote” book but no valuables. If found, please contact
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After extensive testing on the Canadians, The New York Times launched its dreaded paywall today! The gray lady now requires non-subscribers to fork over fifteen bucks a month for digital content. Bwog had lotsa questions, so we talked to the trusty keepers of information, Columbia librarians. According to Journalism librarian, Chris Ergunay, NYT subscriptions—current and […]
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Over the weekend, Columbia hosted the annual African Economic Forum. Africa enthusiast Aaron Kohn attended and provides an overview of the weekend-long event. Even-handed Bwog correspondent Katheryn Thayer attended one of the panels and writes a detailed account after the jump. “Africa has come too far to turn back now,” remarked the CEO of the […]
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this is the greatest sports blog this site has ever seen. bravo (read more)
If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
September 26, 2024
Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
September 26, 2024
The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
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Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024

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