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On December 7th, 2010, five Columbia students were arrested for allegedly dealing marijuana, LSD, cocaine, Adderall and ecstasy. Four of the five students arrested were members of fraternities. They were arrested after allegedly selling drugs to an undercover cop. This is a story you now know well. Exactly thirty-seven years earlier, on December 7, 1973, […]
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Halp! More numbers! Some fun facts about this year’s crop of CC/SEAS Early Decision applicants: Columbia received a total of 3,229 Early Decision applications this year (final after adjustments) 632 students, or 19.57% of the ED pool, were admitted 696 students, or 21.55% of the ED pool, were deferred to the Regular Decision pool ED […]
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Bwog asked some of our favorite people what they want for Christmas (“Happy Holidays is what terrorists say”). Sir Mike of Carman Hall: “Life.” Elizabeth from the Hartley Hospitality Desk wants a semester in Istanbul. Amy from HamDel wants “maybe flowers,” and asked Bwog what we want for the holidays. Zak of BwogWeather wants to […]
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Good Tidings!

You’re almost over the finals hump, so revel in Christmas cheer! Below, an eclectic assortment of dorms decked out for the holidays. Want your own decorations on Bwog? Send us a pic: If Charlie Brown taught us anything, it’s that no Christmas tree is too modest. We’ll be your Linus and love it anyway. […]
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A tipster spotted this remarkably eloquent note in McBain, addressed, “To the wookie on floor 8.” Jeez. I am posting this note as a gentle warning that your shower etiquette is sub-par. Few people actually enjoy communal living, and I think, given your behavior it’s not hard to imagin [sic] why I’m sure by now […]
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Bwog has hopped and camped in libraries, but we’ve never actually explored their contents. The Columbia libraries are a treasure trove of exciting history, so with the help of our lovely librarian friends, we’re going to highlight some hidden jewels. In this installment of BiblioBwog, Karen Green, Ancient & Medieval History and Graphic Novels Librarian (what a combo!), […]
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Things to remember! Use Carsplit on your way to the airport– you’ll save money and make new best friends. Write CULPA reviews now that exams are fresh in your mind– you’re helping the next generation! Teamwork! Friendship! Etc.
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Keri Blakinger, Cornell ’11 was found with six ounces (roughly $150,000) of heroin on Sunday. She was arrested in Ithaca. Yeesh!
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People said some funny stuff while they watched the Lunar Eclipse last night. One man, all within a minute, on Low Plaza: “The moon is bleeding! The moon is disguised as Mars. The moon is hiding from Venus.” More questions and observations from the 150-ish people gathered to watch the sky eat itself: (At 2:05 AM) “We’re […]
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When all through the library, Not a student was stirring, not even in 209. When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, A man dressed as Santa, giving little treats to CCers and Engineers!
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Update, 2:25am: Cowabunga, you can start to see it now! Send in any photos you take of the eclipse, people gazing skywards, eclipse parties… or whatever you crazy kids do during a lunar eclipse to! You should definitely go out tonight! In an educational way duh! Take a break from napping studying in Butler […]
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SoBe, that lizard-themed cousin of Vitamin Water, is handing out free bottles (none of that sample size bullshit!) on Broadway between 113th and 114th. Bwog picked up a “lean and mean” apple cranberry elixir packing a whopping 5 calories. Update, 6:28 p.m.: A commenter observes there is no more juice blend. SoBe it.
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this is the greatest sports blog this site has ever seen. bravo (read more)
If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
September 26, 2024
Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
September 26, 2024
The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
September 26, 2024
Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024

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