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Columbia Film Theory prof James Schamus was profiled in the NYTimes Mag as a standout scholar and screenwriter. Schamus proves his Columbia ties by talking about Plato (“the philosopher’s job is to love knowledge, logos, but it’s always corporealized…”) and smoking near Dodge Hall (“Schamus found a spot in the sun behind Dodge Hall to smoke a cigar”). Professors—they’re […]
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As soon as Thankgiving is over, it’s Christmas/Hannukah whatever wintry holiday you choose to celebrate time! With the influx of decorations and festive cheer, there’s the bitter cold, and of course, renovated ice-cream stores. Bwog brings you neighborhood minutiae courtesy of Boringside Heights… Fro-Yo next to M2M is being revamped, apparently into Hershey’s Decorations at […]
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Today sucks. We just want to be back home getting drunk with our high school friends instead of in this freezing cold dark sad Reference Room writing Bwog posts. But there is fun on the horizon! Bacchanal’s Fall Concert, featuring Mickey Avalon and Night Eyes, is this Thursday! Here’s a video that Bacchanal made about […]
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Jumpin’ Jehosaphats! The overhead lights in the Reference Room have been off all weekend and the room is glowing strangely and kind of beautifully. It is also freezing. A man with a Nike baseball hat sits hunched over his homework, coat and scarf on, rocking back and forth for warmth. Surprise: there still aren’t any seats, […]
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Rejoice! Bwog did its homework this weekend instead of writing posts so you have your BwogWeather early today.
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The November issue of The Blue and White will be here soon and we’ll be posting all the articles on Bwog.  “At Two Swords’ Length” is a feature presenting opposing opinions on an issue. This month, Brian Donahoe and Sam Schube discuss whether you can get away with it. Affirmative I’ve been doing it for […]
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It’s the morning after Thanksgiving and you feel fat. Exercise! Diana Clarke sacrificed her knuckles for the sake of Bwog and health. If you take the steps at 108th Street down into Riverside Park and veer south, you’ll follow the stone steps of an amphitheater down to a patch of sand overlooking the Hudson. The […]
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The Bwog staff did what we always do and compiled a list of things we are thankful for. Feel free to leave yours in the comments. Columbia, have an absolutely lovely Thanksgiving. We are so very, truly thankful to you for reading this website and for lots of other things. Randos PDF versions of textbooks […]
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It’s kind of hard to be thankful for Columbia at the end of November. Finals and papers loom, everyone suddenly remembers what school is like when it’s cold, and you’re just waiting for that “oh shiiiiit” moment the Monday you get back from break. We’re happy to be away this weekend, too, but we figured […]
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It's not necessarily true that being a varsity sports team is more rewarding.
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Last year, Mark Hay cooked a turducken in a McBain kitchen and fed it to to the basketball team. Never to be outdone, Matthew Schantz made a Tofucken—a vegetarian turducken—in Nussbaum this week. He lived to tell the tale—and it wasn’t half bad, either. Thanksgiving is a sad time for us vegetarians. No matter how […]
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Thanksgiving Reruns

You know how on Thanksgiving Day, every year there are reruns?  Well Bwog can see the greatness in Charlie Brown and so today we’re rerunning some Thanksgiving posts of years past. In case yours is the misfortune/relief to be in Morningside Heights for Thanksgiving, turkey sandwiches abound. Or, should you be hankering for fellowship as […]
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this is the greatest sports blog this site has ever seen. bravo (read more)
If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
September 26, 2024
Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
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The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
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Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024

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