Daily Editor Henry “Improper Fraction” Golub spits math like a Mayan.
Senior Staffer Sarah Harty eats, sleeps, and breathes the Diana Center Café. She’s not here for your “I don’t understand the system” bullshit. You can catch her there at all hours of the day. She brings you the REAL cost of eating at Diana 24/7.
Many of us know that you can measure a cricket’s chirps to determine how warm it is outside. But did you know that there’s another way to scientifically estimate the temperature in Morningside Heights? When it gets a little warmer, you can use this one neat trick to figure out how warm or cold it […]
At a university like Columbia, where everyone is constantly under heavy academic pressure, many students choose to imbibe copious quantities of alcohol in order to chill out a little bit. Bwog Staff Writer Gabrielle Kloppers investigates the volumes involved, using a thoroughly scientific method. First of all, we need to separate Columbia Students into categories, […]
In the days of yore, the only food you could scarf down after a night of debauchery was (1) halal, (2) Koronet’s, or (3) Roti Roll, the holy trinity of grease-filled comfort food. As of this month, we can add a fourth destination for those stumbling home from a night out: JJ’s Place, revamped, revitalized, […]
As midterm season accelerates into full swing, the halls of Butler seem more crowded than the halls of Carman on a Friday night. Suitemate sightings are few and far between. We’re so damn nocturnal it’s like we’ve all gone BATshit (Get it? Because bats are nocturnal?). First year Sarah Kinney has decided to study for […]
Regardless of your feelings on the up-and-coming Henry Moore statue to be placed in front of Butler, the cement block that will ultimately form its base has been subject to many reclining figures—especially as outdoor space becomes increasingly limited due to construction for Commencement. Using her Columbia-grade mind, Bwogger Gabrielle Kloppers investigates how many people could […]
The Culture of Butler Library is strange indeed, especially in the dark days of finals. People sleep, eat, and brush their teeth in the library. Wars are waged over seats in the ref room. People lose their humanity in there. One particular example is the peculiar habit of accumulating piles of garbage around an individual’s […]
The Coke Freestyle machines in the dining halls are confusing. Ever since their latest UI change, getting something as simple as water is harder than ever. But even in the face of this harsh adversity, we can make it easier on our fellow students. What should you do after you get your drink? Should you […]
Today’s college students may be youthful, physically fit, wildly intelligent, extracurricularly engaged, and former “leaders” of their high schools, but they’re not actually superhuman–they, too, are subject to illnesses, injuries, viruses, diseases, and unwanted pregnancies. Bwogger Rachel Deal investigates just how easy it is to make appointments at Columbia Health, a *potential* cure for these […]
We hope you’re all enjoying your semester so far–you’re more than halfway to winter break! Mixed in with the pride of accomplishing so much so far, is there a twinge of fear and sadness when you think about the impending winter months? If not, here’s a reason: in order to preserve the lawns during the […]
Still confused about who to support for the 2016 Election? Why not use some back-of-the-envelope statistics provided by Bwog, written by the all-seeing election guru Britt Fossum. B-of-the-E Assumptions (based on Facebook): There are 304 likes on the “Columbia Students For Hillary” Facebook page. Assume the 84 likes on “CU Ready for Hillary” Page overlap […]
Takes absolutely forever. By forever, we mean about a month, which still seems like an excessively long time. Facilities seems to only work in the early hours of the morning, and it seems to us that the whole thing could get done in about four or five days of consistent labor, perhaps even sometime after finals. […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025