Columbia statistician/friend-of-Nate-Silver Andrew Gelman has resurfaced on everyone’s new favorite blog, FiveThirtyEight. Gelman uses FiveThirtyEight’s data to conclude that if Obama wins Virginia and it’s a close race in Indiana — both of which are looking increasingly likely — it’s literally a statistical certainty that Obama will win the race. Additionally, this means that the […]
Bwog’s James Downie checks in again from Virginia. Photo by Jason Reed of Reuters. ON THE ROAD BETWEEN LEESBURG AND MANASSAS, VA. – Even after an hour waiting in the November cold, 80,000 people can make some noise. That was the first lesson of the Obama campaign rally the College Democrats attended late Monday night. […]
If you’ve procrastinated about volunteering for a presidential campaign this season, few precious hours remain to get your fill of phonebanking. Bwog Daily Editor Mariela Quintana has compiled the following Procrastinator’s Guide to Phonebanking. McCain: Bwog could not find any information about phonebanking for McCain, but the candidate’s website offers a comparable alternative. (You must […]
As the fundraising for the presidential campaign wraps up, the Chronicle of Higher Education has compiled a total of all donations from “professors, college administrators, and other educators,” and has found that Columbia actually ranks higher among institutions donating to McCain than ones donating to Obama. In fairness, this is only a shocking stat before […]
So, having flubbed Spec’s tricky midterm schedule (just go read yesterday’s issue), we’re back again to Quicking something else—this time last night’s final presidential debate, conclusively won by some guy named Joe. Politico’s Ben Smith – who is obsessed – uncovers that Joe isn’t registered to vote! Slate’s John Dickerson anticipates a feud with Bob […]
In which Bwog tides you over until Monday’s QuickSpec by bringing you Columbia-related happenings from the real world. Some connections to our lady Alma Mater are dubious and/or doubtful. Nudist/Columbia Grad Donates Playing Card Collection Dali expert and nude hiker Albert Field‘s collection of 6,536 decks of cards have been archived and restored in Columbia’s […]
Over the past few days, the presidential campaign has become even more negative. Now, hot on the heels of the Senator Barack Obama campaign’s announcement that they would play up Senator John McCain’s part in the Keating Five, Marc Ambinder of The Atlantic reports that McCain’s campaign has a new target: Columbia professor Rashid Khalidi. […]
Our new friends at this J-School blog have spotted a TV schedule for tonight’s forum on one of the trailers on Broadway. Industrious aspiring journalists that they are, they have summarized the preliminary order of events. What you need to know: The candidates will not speak until 8 p.m. (McCain) and 9 p.m. (Obama) respectively. […]
Obama wasn’t a huge fan of Columbia! Columbia wasn’t a huge fan of McCain! The neighbors are apathetic! Athletes aren’t dumb! Volunteering is great! Really! Students think so too!
As the joint Obama-McCain forum rolls closer, more and more details are beginning to emerge. Last night, Bwog told you about the councils’ and groups’ plan for Thursday. Now, more details are emerging about the event itself. The first issue is seating. Many of you are no doubt wondering when those emails granting you entrance […]
Your (Columbia College) student government is officially functional! The full CCSC met for the first time tonight in Satow, where they’ll be taking care of business every week this year on Sundays at 8:00pm. “We’re going to get in, do what we need, and get out,” said a take-no-prisoners President Krebs of his meeting style. […]
Don’t fret, readers: you now have a chance to get tickets for the McCain – Obama forum! In an email sent just before noon, President Bollinger officially announced the details for the event and ticket process behind it. All one has to do is register online here between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. tomorrow (Friday). […]
Well, they moved quickly this time. As we wrote about before, the announcement of a joint appearance by Obama and McCain on campus next Thursday took student government and group leaders completely by surprise. Just before midnight, though, the presidents of the student councils, club governing boards, and Panhellenic councils have sent an email to […]
With a mere 63 days left until the Presidential election, the blogosphere has lit up with speculation about the personal life of Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin. While the daughter of Alaska’s favorite hockey mom may be five months pregnant and questions abound about her readiness to lead the nation should she find herself […]
Bwog’s Political Columnist Jim Downie returns to live-blog some random speech. No doubt 2012 is wondering why Bwog is employing a political columnist, and why he’s live-blogging alongside almost every other political website in the country. I can’t answer the first question, but, since I’m here, I might as well live-blog the first presidential nominee […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025