Late Wednesday night, Barnard quad residents became aware of a shocking phenomenon: there was bread on the bulletin boards. Not pictures of bread, not drawings of bread, not even holograms of bread, but real, actual slices of white bread attached with thumbtacks to the bulletin boards. The bread was first believed to be present on […]
President Spar sent an email to the Barnard community this morning to update students on the administration’s response to an ongoing student challenge of Barnard’s reduced winter break housing policy. Students have put together a petition and the policy has been a recurring topic of SGA meetings this semester. President Spar acknowledged the petition and other […]
Barnard College’s plethora of unique traditions (who else stuffed themselves to the gills at Big Sub, be honest) are always something to look forward to. Even though the college is undergoing some huge changes right now (RIP BarnLib) and some less-huge changes (the Magnolia is only moving a 10-second walk away, you can relax), its […]
There were several students at the SGA meeting last night looking to have their voices heard, far more than I have ever seen at SGA before (usually it’s just Spec and me….). The floor opened with several students voicing their concerns about Barnard students’ new ineligibility for the pre-NSOP CUE initiative. The students wondered how all four […]
Barnard’s Associate Dean of Student Life Alina Wong just released an email disclosing that starting with the Class of 2020, Barnard students will no longer be invited to apply and participate in the CUE pre-NSOP program. This email comes in peculiar timing amidst COÖP’s current struggles with the administration. Dean Wong similarly cites fiscal strain […]
Hey, Barnard student! You’re invited to “Complexity of Gender: How does gender show up in the classroom?”, a student-led event (first in a series) meant to create dialogue between students and faculty on gender in our classrooms and learning spaces. The event will feature an introduction to relevant terminology, small group discussions between students and faculty, […]
The air maybe getting colder, but that hasn’t stopped Barnard Bearoness, Caroline Montgomery, from hitting up her Monday night hotspot…the SGA meeting. She’s got the goods to report back. This week, SGA was back to its poppin’ self. With new representatives present and the old still reppin’, there were plenty of updates to go around. First […]
Barnard Buy/Sell/Trade is the place to get textbooks, clothes, shoes, power strips, and mattress pads–but could it also be something more? We’ve noticed some pretty weird shit on the group, and although no one is selling flamethrowers, we do wonder whether the eclectic posts are the beginnings of a new era in the group: heralding the […]
Congratulations to the new leaders of the Barnard Class of 2019! We’d like to applaud those who exercised their right to vote, as well as all candidates who ran, some of whom employed pretty creative campaign strategies, (We’re a little disappointed that the girl who gave out roses and cupcakes didn’t win but we also […]
You may have heard that a new movie featuring Barnard alum Greta Gerwig, BC ’06, was recently released in theaters. We sent Daily Editor Betsy Ladyzhets to check out Mistress America and see if it’s worth you spending your money on a ticket. In the past couple of months, there have been two movies after […]
If you’ve been to the bold, beautiful Diana Center this year, you probably noticed a few changes to Liz’s Place and the Diana Cafe. We received tips during NSOP about an addition to Liz’s Place called “Provisions On Demand,” but we didn’t think it would be that special. WELL, LET US TELL YOU—Diana (if it wasn’t […]
This afternoon Barnard College sent students a summary of changes made to the Policy against Discrimination and Harassment. One update is that any case of gender-based misconduct with allegations charged against a Barnard student will now be handled through the Barnard Title IX office. The process for obtaining legal assistance and appealing a case has […]
This morning, Barnard’s Board of Trustees approved an admission policy for trans women. Barnard will admit all “applicants who consistently live and identify as women, regardless of the gender assigned to them at birth,” according to the College’s official statement, beginning in the fall of 2016 (the Class of 2020). Officially, Barnard will continue to […]
After open voting via my.barnard this past week, SGA has released the results of their elections this afternoon. The winners are published below in a press release from SGA. Congratulations to you all! Dear Barnard, Thank you to all our candidates and everyone who voted during SGA election! Congratulations on successful, innovative, and productive campaigns. […]
This afternoon, President Debora Spar and Dean Avis Hinkson sent an email to all Barnard students announcing Ambassador Samantha Power as the keynote speaker at the college’s 2015 Commencement. Power currently serves as the U.S. Permanent Resident to the United Nations. Prior to her role as ambassador, Power is a Pulitzer Prize-winning author who served […]
In Defense Of: Using An Umbrella In The Snow
December 28, 2024An Oral History Of The Barnumbia Mascots
December 26, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024