Update: We at Bwog have written something of a Campo eulogy, so pour out some crappy beer in honor of our dearly departed and remember what once was: When a new restaurant called Campo first arrived in our humble Morningside Heights, we called it the “New Pertutti” and complained its Italian food was mediocre. Soon, […]
It’s actually Wednesday afternoon! Which now means that it’s Pizza Wednesday. That’s right, Boringside enthusiasts—Nussbaum’s deal formerly known as “Pizza Sunday/Monday” has become an everyday offer. Morningside heaves a collective sigh of contentment and not-as-broke-ment; weight gains ensue. Aaaand speaking of eating, a tipster reports seeing a “hilarious number” of graduates, still swathed in gowns, […]
Friends, if you are debating where to go tonight, consider that this Saturday might be Campo’s last. After hearing rumors that Campo is going to be shut down, Bwog called the restaurant for comment. The gentleman who picked up the phone was emphatic that the restaurant isn’t going anywhere, but continued, “We are simply modifying […]
Despite the rain, this sign was displayed prominently outside of Campo this evening, in order to coincide with the SGA Townhall meeting.
We hear Campo has been a real shitshow (always the fresh-person word of choice to describe anything) the last few nights. Explore your other options, limited as they may be, with bar trading cards, originally posted in last year’s Orientation Blue & White. Have fun post-gaming your Intrepid party! Illustrations by Stephen Davan. Click to […]
Asenso Ampim, CC’11, has produced a song addressing the inevitable post-finals decision: “EC, Heights, or Campo?” [audio:2011/03/ec-heights-or-campo.mp3] Try not to let it get stuck in your head until after you finish that last exam. You can download the mp3 here.
Bwog’s resident food critic Kate Abrams took one for the team and ventured out to review the newly opened Brad Café at the Journalism School. When I heard the people behind Campo were running the new Journalism School café, I had hope. After all these years of burying myself in the depths of Avery—as both […]
Journalists and hippies alike may rejoice on this, the opening day of the Journalism School cafe. Nothing but the combination of news tickers on the wall, various 1960’s references on the menu, and cheaper-than-in-Starbucks Starbucks coffee could bring so many happy lunchers here on opening day. After moving through a short, fast-moving line, Bwog was […]
The violence in Gaza sparks tense but ultimately peaceful peace rallies. Everyone wants to converse, but nobody has yet. Campo is to decamp to the space between Furnald and the Journalism Building. But until then, you can decamp to our very own nearly-on-campus Greenmarket for produce. Even though it’s winter. And, of course, everyone’s still excited […]
An Intrepid Bwog agent just discovered this sign outside of Campo: Not sure where Campo is quoting Flex from, but mark your calendars, anyway. It may not be coming on campus, but this is the next best thing.
Campo, the frat-friendly New Pertutti, has posted a rumor on its Facebook group — which evidently exists — that states the following piece of puzzling news: “Campo On Campus”- Campo is opening a second, new restaurant, on Columbia University, between the Graduate School of Journalism and Furnhaldt Dorm. We’ll be offering warm sandwiches, soups, salads, […]
The foodie blog SeriousEats has posed an interesting question: “Does Morningside Heights Finally Have A Good Contemporary Italian Restaurant?” It’s referring to Campo, which took the place of Pertutti, the now-defunct Parents Weekend hotspot with a reputation for sucking. Anyway, SeriousEats calls the pizza crust “cardboard” and the service “sloppy but well-meaning,” which seems to […]
In which Bwog correspondent CML alights from the stygian sauna that is Woodbridge Residence Hall to nestle himself between the facade of Cardomat and the awning of Oren’s Daily Roast, to document a picaresque evening of rare chess camaraderie. When you think of chess, you think of bearded Slavs with vodka on their breath, sterile […]
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December 14, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
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