You may have seen a life-sized cut-out of Beyonce wrapped in a rainbow flag at the activities fair today, and inside Lerner yesterday. Queen Bee was there advertising Columbia Queer Alliance’s First Friday: Flawless tonight 11pm-2am in the Lerner Party Space. Tickets are $3 at the TIC, and the first 30 of those are free. 33 has never […]
Take a break from procrastinating on finishing The Iliad/Republic this weekend to check out the Columbia Queer Alliance‘s (know your clubs yet, freshmen first years?) first body meeting, at 2pm in Lerner 569. There will be general information about CQA, a schedule of events, and, most importantly, free baked goods. Rainbow cupcakes via Wikimedia.
As the school year starts, you will be inundated with student groups asking you to leave your fields to flower and join them. Before you go signing up for every listserv under the sun, we wanted to provide you with a brief rundown on the cafeteria of Columbia–those student groups that make the most buzz […]
Tonight at 6pm the Columbia Queer Alliance is hosting a free slam poetry event featuring Andrea Gibson in the Carman basement. Tickets are free but they are going quickly because Andrea Gibson is so fucking awesome. More information about the event can be found here. Later that night is CQA’s last First Friday of the year, IllumiNaughty, and the […]
This afternoon from 4 to 6 pm in the Stephen Donaldson Lounge (in the Furnald basement), CQA is hosting their Ugly Sweater Holiday Party. Conveniently scheduled right after the Lit Hum and CC finals—built-in topics of conversation, mirite?—the sweaterfest includes “hot chocolate, eggnog, cider, milk, cookies, and other snacks.” Inspiration via CQA
Love is in the air today, the first day that gay and lesbian couples can legally wed in the state of New York. In the city alone, 823 couples—including two of Mayor Bloomberg’s aides—are scheduled to be married. It’s all thanks to the Marriage Equality Act, which passed late last month. In honor of this […]
Tonight is CQA’s Last Friday, a drag pageant and First Friday-style dance combo. The drag pageant kicks off at 9:30 pm tonight, and the dance immediately follows at around 11 pm. Tickets for the dance are available through TIC for $5, but there’s an official loophole: anyone who attends the drag pageant can just stay for […]
Tonight at 8pm in 702 Hamilton, CQA is hosting Straight Up, a discussion on what it means to be an ally. Expect free pizza and refreshments! Meanwhile, get classy at the CC 2012 class dinner. Head to the Lerner Party Space at 8 pm for (get this!) Dino BBQ take out! Chicken and mac ‘n cheese […]
The Columbia Queer Alliance is hosting their final First Friday event in Lerner Party Space tonight, on the last Friday of the month. It features a Drag Pageant with Columbia students and Saharah Davenport from 9 to 11, followed by a party until 2. So if you’ve ever wanted to see CQA’s board in drag […]
While the official Census Day (April 1) has come and gone, it’s not too late to fill one out and send it in–civic duty, people! (And you should be getting Census materials from your RA any day now, anyway.) While you’re doing that, the Columbia Queer Alliance has asked you to consider–and protest–this Census’ absence […]
Now there’s a novel idea! The CQA will host another of their “Third Thursday” Speaker Series tonight. The event will focus on Religion and Sexuality, and speakers will include GS Dean Peter Awn and our very own Learned Foote, among several others. Free food happens at 7:30, and the discussion begins at 8, all in […]
Also, we’ve just gotten word that Hewitt is offering a cupcake decorating bar tonight with toppings galore. Sort of free if you don’t count the money your parents pay!
The National Marriage Boycott, a new offshoot of CQA, just staged an ‘Anti-Wedding’ on Low Steps to protest the Defense of Marriage Act. Anti-man and anti-wife were clad in suit and gown, respectively, and both exclaimed ‘I don’t!” The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) prohibits the federal government from recognizing same-sex marriages. Sean Udell, Treasurer […]
CQA, the OMA, and the Alphabet Soup Commission are teaming up once again to welcome students back with the annual Queer Sushi event in Lerner. CQA president Bryan Reid has assured us that there will be vegetarian “sushi” as well. It starts at 7:00 PM in Party Space and lines have been long in the […]
CQA and company are sponsoring tonight’s midnight snack for you Butler-ites and friends. The follow-up to last semester’s Queer Sushi is Queer Cupcakes, and it’s in the Satow Room at the strange time of 11:45 PM. The tasty cakes in the CQA-sponsored picture look delicious. Their real life counterparts are from the Buttercup Bake Shop. […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
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