Come to our first open meeting of the year and get all the details you need in order to properly Rush Bwog!!!
The 6th floor of Kent, 8th floor of Butler, and of course those Milstein single use bathrooms. Bwog is no stranger to advising you all on the best places on campus to deliver the browns to the pool, but one Bwogger has recently visited a bathroom unlike any other.
The navel-gazing was intense last night. Bureau Chief Nadra Rahman reports straight from the 212. Last night, CCSC took a picture of itself. It was ostensibly for the yearbook. E-board, class councils, and at-large members milled about, searching for direction. People (jokingly) fought to stand next to 2018 Rep Lord Hyeamang, who if you don’t […]
I’ve been through a lot with my laptop: endless Netflix binges and college applications, unfortunate spills and learning new skills. The laptop is the extension of the self, and your choice in decoration says more about you than your search history. Here’s what your laptop stickers say about you. No Decoration If your laptop isn’t […]
Our next December Senior Wisdom is from Annie Bryan, who has published a lot of writing during her time at Columbia (including a book, a play, and some pieces for Spec). Name, School, Major, Hometown: Annie Bryan, Columbia College, Creative Writing, Vienna, VA Claim to Fame: The boring stuff is that I published a book, […]
Lookin’ for some new jams to get you through finals week? Bwog is here with a playlist just for you. This playlist, albeit short, is a tribute to (one of) the most obnoxious thing(s) about Bwog: our fiery rivalry with you-know-whomst’ve. Check out these jams, and pay special attention to the first letter of each song… […]
We received this op-ed to our tips email. We’re not sure how it was sent, but we’ve decided to publish it anyway. It’s actually insulting. While the multi-altitudinal debate between the so-called “floor-fivers” and the elevated elites has made it to the pages of the revered Spectator op-ed section, no one has had the intuition […]
We’ve been spotting mysterious “Fuck Spec” flyers around campus. We kind of wish it was us, but it’s not. We sent Staff Write Abby Rubel to investigate. Approximately eight days ago, a flyer appeared in the Hartley lobby promoting a new website: I immediately investigated, because nothing excites a Bwog writer more than someone […]
This past summer, the Columbia Daily Spectator was forced out of its old office space on Broadway between 11th and 112th Street. The publication has not yet found a permanent new home, but for the time being its staff has taken over a few rooms in Riverside Church. Whether or not this move uptown is part […]
As finals season slowly creeps in, it’s difficult to keep track of anything. Exactly how much did you sleep yesterday? Have you eaten at all? How many friends do you still have left? While we have been imparting priceless wisdom to the hopeless masses of Morningside Heights, you would think Bwog has its shit together…but we have […]
One of the best ways Bwog gauges campus impressions of our content is by reading our comments from lovely viewers like you. And we read everything—from angry slurs, to defensive anecdotes, to half-assed praise. Here are a few of our favorites from this semester. Most Underrepresented: Best Mathematical Calculations: Most Helpful: Most […]
As ABC (Activities Board at Columbia) has their final meeting this Wednesday, Bwog thought that it would be helpful to give a quick guide to how to achieve recognition for any student who wishes to start an organization! Semi-literate Bwog Writer Gabrielle Kloppers is here to give you the lowdown. This brief guide to how […]
Do you aspire to be a journalist, reporting on news that resonates with the lives of thousands, quenching the unquenchable thirst of knowledge of the lusty students dwelling in Morningside Heights? Do you wish to become a writer, pouring your heart out and digging into your deepest thoughts, just to have an anonymous Bwog commenter […]
In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025“I’m The President Of Barnard”: Barnard President Laura Rosenbury Authors Op-Ed Addressing Student Protests
March 6, 2025