Katheryn Thayer reports on last night’s SGA meeting. Coming up: Barnard Basketball Night! Saturday, February 5, 7pm at Levien Gym. Support the basketball team and breast cancer awareness! With special appearance from Bacchantae, singing the national anthem. EcoReps will hold their first potluck of the semester February 2 at 7 in the Diana dining room. The […]
Bwog has received word that Dean of Student Affairs Kevin Shollenberger and CC 2011 President Sean Udell just announced that Deans Moody-Adams and Peña-Mora have approved the long-debated issue of gender-neutral housing. This means that a pilot program can begin in the fall. It will be an option in Wien, EC, Nussbaum, Ruggles, Woodbridge, and […]
Open (read: gender-neutral) housing at CU–it could happen! (Spec) Columbia Professor Marc Lamont Hill is suing a Philadelphia police officer in a civil rights lawsuit. Though the police have yet to comment, Bwog suspects that, like Bill O’Reilly, the police officer may have thought Professor Hill looked a bit like a cocaine dealer. (ABC News) The […]
Vernacular change alert! Gender Neutral Housing will now be called Open Housing, and you better believe it has a task force. We’ve confirmed the makeup and goals of the task force with Dean Shollenberger’s office, and here’s what we found out. The Task Force (that’s right, uppercase as in Official) will be working on a […]
The push for gender neutral housing made some progress this school year, but those in favor of it say there obviously needs more to be done. To bring attention to this issue once more, Everyone Allied Against Homophobia today officially presented a petition, signed by over 900 Columbia students and endorsed by 20 campus organizations, […]
Though the Engineering Student Council began the process of Constitutional Review yesterday evening, it was preceded by a normal meeting. Grad Student dramz, Gender Neutral Housing, and so on. Sean Zimmermann reports, with help from Heidi Ahmed. Timur Dykhne and Arseniy Kukanov of Engineering Graduate Student Council proposed splitting the two Engineering senate seats – […]
Following Columbia administration’s decision to postpone the implementation of a gender neutral housing policy that was expected to be in place for the 2010-2011 academic year, the students who introduced the plan – EAAH President Avi Edelman (CC ’11) GendeRevolution President Miranda Elliot (CC ’10), 2011 VP Sean Udell (CC ’11) and 2010 VP for […]
It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s…the latest news from Student Government! CCSC: VP for Campus Life Deysy Ordonez outlined the much-anticipated schedule for College Days, the CC version of E-Week, which will start April 9. Among the highlights: all College Days events, including King’s Ball, will be completely free, Tuesday will see a live […]
The rumors are both true and false, we guess: gender neutral housing will not be an option for the 2010-2011 housing year. Bwog chatted with Sean Udell, VP of CC 2011 and Treasurer of CQA, about the decision from the deans, and what the plan is going forward. While the decision to not allow gender […]
You can’t live in sin next year. Stay tuned to Bwog for more coverage. Cigarettes will no longer be allowed to be called “light,” but will instead be conveniently color-coded. (NYT) A J-School alum was just named Times National Editor. (NYT) CU Researchers find that pretending to be happy is good for you (Daily News)
There’s been a lot of ink spent in the off-campus press on the recent gender-neutral housing proposal, but most of it has ignored one targeted community: trans students. But gender-neutral housing is just one of several issues facing the trans community at Columbia. From the new issue of the Blue and White, hitting a magazine […]
Hey now, it looks like we’re created enough noise to attract the attention of Dr. Ruth, renowned sex therapist. In a recent article written for the New York Post, she gets in on the action (in a manner of speaking) and shares her thoughts on the recent developments involving coed dorms at Columbia. She criticizes […]
The Post will not stand idly by while we crazy college kids “live in sin!” (NYPost) But at least your gender-neutral room is bigger than this apartment. (NYPost) Harry Potter dominates college tour rhetoric, frustrates really serious about college–you know, like, academically–high schoolers. (NYTimes) Really new media takes the lead on Tiger Woods: video game […]
If CCSC has its way, Columbia’s Housing system will be slightly less oppressive next year. The council passed a resolution supporting gender-neutral housing last night, which will remove the gender restrction on double occupancy rooms. The plan, introduced by VP for Policy Sarah Weiss, 2011 VP Sean Udell, EAAH President Avi Edelman, and GendeRevolution President […]
Another new week, another Bwog CCSC report, this time about gender-neutral housing and just exactly what Dean’s Discipline is: Despite the effective absence of President Sue Yang (who was only present via Gchat video from Boston), CCSC focused most of its meeting on discussion of two major policy initiatives for the year. Yang’s absence did […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025