Need a job? Take heart, because your search just got easier. Governor Cuomo has launched a new website to help those on the hunt for employment. (Observer) Including Columbia, a grand total of 15 hopeful universities have submitted proposals for new engineering campuses to Mayor Bloomberg. “All of the submissions were stronger than anything we […]
Behold the last of our contestants competing for Pumpkin flavored ale! Rollover the photos to see their true identities, and click here to review all the contenders. Bwog will declare the winners of this heated competition and the Pumpkin Carving contest later tonight!
Don’t pack away those costumes just yet! The Block RA staff is hosting trick-or-treating for CU students tonight from 8 to 10 pm. Stock up on candy in Hogan 4B, Broadway Lounges: 3, 6, 9 and 12, McBain Lounges: 3, 5 and 7, and the Ruggles Lobby. Relive your childhood! Points to anyone who spots a […]
There’s no better time to meet your advisor than when s/he is dressed up as a purple Teletubby. Make your way over to 401 Lerner for the 2015 Center for Student Advising Eat & Greet. The fun and opportunity to stuff your face for free lasts till 2 pm. Eerie purple men via Wikimedia
Today is the last day to buy a pumpkin, spend an hour carving something cool into it, clean up all the pumpkin guts, and then submit the gourd-eous result. But if you do it, and do it really well, you might win some free holiday-themed beer! Sounds like a worthwhile deal to us. There are […]
We showed off the first two entries to our Pumpkin Carving Contest last night, and now we present four more. The first submission by Sonia Bansal we’d like to see turned into emoticons in the comments section. The next submission—”Pumpkin Brew” by Dan Matlock, was inspired by the Atlanta Brewing Company. The next photo is of […]
Natural Disasters: Columbia University researchers have said that the retreat rate an Antarctic glacier will be sped up 20 years, thus increasing global sea levels. (RedOrbit) Monsters: The protagonist of the prequel to The Thing that is being released this week is a Columbia University graduate student. (Craig Daily Press) Finance: Bloomberg has rated Columbia the […]
Night number two of this year’s Halloweekend—that’s a thing, we swear… use it—brings with it the longest line Morningside Heights has seen since Campo Mike first introduced “Cloud Nine Saturdays” (may they rest in peace). And fear not, freshpeople, you don’t even need a fake ID once you reach the front! A tipster reports a […]
That throbbing noise you hear outside is the sound of Columbia students coming together for a rare moment of honest-to-goodness community. Head over to Low Plaza for the Chinese Students Club’s Night Market 2011: CU LIGHTS! from 6 to 9 pm for an evening filled with free food, raffles, and sick student performances from Raw […]
We’ve received the first crop of entries for our first ever Pumpkin Carving Contest! Emily Kwong admirably met the challenge of the PrezPumkin, and the men’s lightweight crew emblazoned some team spirit. The rules are pretty simple: you need to take a pumpkin, carve it, and then combust something inside of it such that it […]
The academic calendar gods may not have blessed us with a Halloweekend this year, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it up style. That’s right, tonight marks the start of Bwog’s fifth annual costume contest, and we want to see your best. Whether you’re doing something Core-inspired, politically-motivated, or just deliciously clever, we want to see […]
It’s that time of year! As the end of midterms slowly crawls closer, we’re just a week away from Halloween. This past weekend, the Marching Band carved these pumpkins for the Dartmouth-Columbia football game in Hanover (one of several clashes with the Big Green this past week). To help you get in the holiday spirit, […]
After killing a Bronx native in Morningside Heights two months ago, Michael James was arrested while walking his pit bull. (DNA Info) A master of melancholy, Tim Burton will be designing a float for this year’s Macy’s Day Parade. (The Huffington Post) The Saudi Crown Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz al-Saud died this morning of colon […]
Halloween approacheth. Start brainstorming now because we will be holding our annual Halloween costume contest. Also, you don’t want descend into the sweaty bowels of Ricky’s two days before Hallow’s eve when the only costumes left are these cringe-inducing gems:
With Hallow’s Eve quickly approaching, campus is starting to spiral further and further into the likes of a Tim Burton movie.
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025