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Posts Tagged with "blue java"

Starting this fall, all Columbia students will have access to three dining locations at Teachers College.

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Senior Staffer Sarah Kinney noticed some intriguing new additions to Blue Java’s offerings. 

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When you need a pick-me-up, but also are have a refined and dainty palate, Bwog’s got you covered. Here’s my ranking of the drip coffees at coffee shops on campus. Disclaimer: Apologies up front for my very pretentious coffee descriptions–I got really into it. 1st place: UP Coffee Major notes: Sweet smell/pepper/cinnamon/astringent, but pleasant. How […]

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You may have noticed this dope ass coffee cup at Blue Java this past week. Columbia is no stranger to ’90s throwbacks, or puns. This cup seamlessly integrates both. According to Rosie Fernandez over at Dining, “This is a vintage blue java cup that we brought back for finals.” Can we keep ’em Pa, please? Cup […]

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Bwog’s most beloved feature returns with breaking headlines. Instead of weekly round-ups, we’ll be reporting the most insignificant of minutiae as they transform your daily life. No longer shall you anxiously hang on for the report, wondering, ‘How can my life be more boring??’ Blue Java introduces a new loyalty card. There was a definite […]

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The Morningside minutiae in our little Bubble Above 110th Street is what keeps us together. The tiny parts of our neighborhood that make it both boring and wonderful would seem trivial to anyone on the outside.  Occasionally, we’ll be taking the time to share the minor details with you. The Entitled Sophomores indignantly note that […]

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In the latest edition of Bwog’s profiles of Columbia’s unsung heroes, B&W/Bwog contributor and professional Butler denizen Brian Donahoe sat down and got to know Raj Ramachandran, the altruistic man of Butler Café. It was a rainy mid-July afternoon when I first met Raj Ramachandran. My roommate had just met someone on the internet and […]

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Dining Services has been busy once again with updates to its dining menus, and Bwog checked in with them to see what’s new for the fall semester. The highlights: John Jay Dining Hall is now getting its own strawberry jam and salsa from local farms and canneries in Connecticut. 212 and Carleton are now being […]

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Blue Java Express has seen the light and joined, well, everyone, in making hot water free.  While customers once had to pay an exorbitant $.75 for a cup of hot water, enterprising students can now provide their own tea or instant coffee and find endless refills at Blue Java.  These are hard times: make sure […]

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With less than a month to go in the semester, we at Bwog are among the many converging on Butler. If you’ve forgotten to sneak food and drink in, though (a course we recommend do not endorse), your only source of caffeinated comfort is Blue Java. Strangely, though, the Butler Blue Java prices are even […]

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In the coming hours you will receive an email asking for your participation in an annual survey that Dining Services is conducting on all on-campus dining institutions.  Do you like them?  Are they too expensive?  Those are the kinds of answers they are looking for!  To further motivate you, they’re offering to donate a total […]

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It’s a phenomenon almost as annoying as having to re-enter your SSOL password when you leave it alone for more than 3 minutes: rising prices at campus eateries. So far, Bwog tipsters and staff have seen price hikes at many campus eateries. Offenders include Ferris Booth, which, in addition to replacing the popular stir fry […]

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Blue Java Blues

Thanks to an email from a Bwog tipster, it seems that recent shenanigans at John Jay’s Blue Java Express are coming to an ignominious end.  It appears that the wool has been pulled over one too many Columbian’s eyes, as this tipster put an end to recent Blue Java trickery…   Bwog Editors, I thought […]

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Transformation to what, exactly? Only time will tell. But it’s most assuredly something brown, something square, and something inexplicably partial to Century Gothic.

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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