Bwog’s ESC Correspondent Sean Zimmermann writes from tonight’s meeting: Chad Miller, the Arts Initiative’s Event and Outreach Coordinator opened ESC’s meeting this week. Miller confirmed that the TIC has been asked to cut 30% of their budget by the Office of the President. The cut was not ordered by the School of the Arts. The […]
After an attempted robbery at Banco Popular on 111th and Broadway this afternoon, much of the block as been blocked off. We’ll update you as we get more information.
As you may have heard, Barnard officially announced required meal plans for all students starting next semester year. Initial support for the measure seemed low, so we went on a hunt to find students who were excited about it. We searched high and low, but found not one student willing to praise the plan. What […]
Deputy Price Comparison Correspondent Anish Bramhandkar found this note on Ferris Booth’s comments board:
Mike Bloomberg has broken his own campaign spending record, already blowing through $85.2 million with 11 days still to go. (AP) When you’re Hugh Hefner, you’re “old enough to be the great-grandfather of some of his girlfriends.” Oh, and old enough to receive front-webpage articles that describe your cultural contributions as “almost quaint.” (NYT) The […]
Brooklyn reggae artist Major Mackerel was attacked with a sword yesterday after allegedly harassing a neighbor’s wife. Good thing we’re in Samurai-free Morningside Heights. (NYP) Good thing we’ve got our own subway stop too—a ride down to SoHo will let you see the largest-ever exhibition and sale of works by Maurice Sendak, the artist/author best […]
Every year, the various governing boards show off cool Power Points and generally grovel before the Funding at Columbia University committee (known by the almost-scandalous abbreviation F@CU) for a nice cut of your student life fees. This year’s numbers were just released, and the various allocations are as follows: Activities Board at Columbia: $366,303.61 ($413,607.22 […]
PrezBo has decided to close the academic year with a less-than-cheery missive about the University’s budget. Not surprisingly, the numbers have declined more since January: “For the first nine months of the University’s fiscal year ending on March 31, 2009, the value of the endowment declined nearly 22%, with private investments and real assets valued […]
-Photo via In a sign that small, awkward protests (at least some) can get things done, Tsu Yue Wang, the man who seems to own every Asian restaurant around Columbia, was ordered by the State Labor Department to pay $2.3 million in back wages to hundreds of employees at some of his eateries. The […]
– Image via Gothamist Last September, we reported that PrezBo made a cool $1.4 million in Fiscal Year 2007, and in November we learned that that number ranked him third among all university presidents in the country. Sounds respectable, right? Well, maybe not: it turns out that Fearless Leader still is not the highest paid […]
What do you do when there’s an economic catastrophe? Your answer may determine where you get your free food tonight. For tips from the eye of the storm, try the “Entrepreneurship & Innovation” panel at 6:30 on Lerner Ramp West. They’ll be offering refreshments to distract you from the horror stories you’re hearing, but free food is free food. […]
As the effects of the recession sink in, your dollars become even more valuable. “The Market Basket” will save you the time of remembering where to get the best bang for your buck. We start with a simple question: Morton or Westside? Ah, the perennial question: convenience or Neil Diamond? Today, we take another look […]
A crop of books are due back at Columbia’s libraries today, and if you don’t give them back or renew them, you pay a quarter a day. That’s a Snickers bar you lose every three days your books sit collecting dust in your room. Oh, and if you lost what you need to give back, […]
Bwog’s David Berke ventured into the PrezBo abode for the latest fireside chat. President Bollinger hosted another fireside (though there is no fireplace) chat this evening, bringing undergraduates to his mansion for an hour-long discussion of campus concerns. The catered event, with ornate hors d’oeuvres and apple cider poured from stylish silver dispensers by black-tied […]
Another month, another depressing e-mail about the state of Columbia finances: earlier this evening, President Bollinger sent an email to the Columbia community (which may or may not have reached your inbox at this point) about the state of the endowment, and this time he included actual figures! After spending a paragraph on why “Columbia […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025