The Return of Cooking with Bwog – no cooking involved! The end is of summer is imminent (Monday, officially), which happens to nearly coincide with tomorrow’s Morningside Heights Farmers Market. So, to celebrate the season’s end, Bwog recommends a no-cooking-involved summer salad. It also keeps well in your mini-fridge, so you’ll have ample opportunity to […]
It’s the coldest Friday of the year so far, but nothing warms you up like good free (or almost free) food. Here’s some options. The College Democrats are hosting their rescheduled BBQ on the Van Am Quad from 5 – 8. It does cost $2, but then it’s all-you-can-eat. If you can wait an hour […]
Welcome to the first in a series of analyses designed to determine the best in a category of chosen food product! In the coming weeks, we’ll be taking a critical eye toward such controversial delicacies as ice cream, espresso, bagels and margaritas. But today, we’re going to talk a little bit about miso soup, and […]
First-year correspondent Jason Kruta went to the Lower East Side yesterday to check out the 8th Annual International Pickle Day. The New York Food Museum sponsored the Eight Annual NYC International Pickle Day bonanza in the Lower East Side. Pickles of every shape, size and type abounded, from your run of the mill Kosher Dill […]
As we all know Columbia loves controversy. We also know that Columbia loves Mexican food. Thankfully Morningside Heights entrepreneurs have recognized this and consequently the neighborhood offers plenty of Mexican eateries. So many in fact that the recent increase in Mexican restaurants has caused quite a controversial and competitive commotion. Where can a student find […]
The foodie blog SeriousEats has posed an interesting question: “Does Morningside Heights Finally Have A Good Contemporary Italian Restaurant?” It’s referring to Campo, which took the place of Pertutti, the now-defunct Parents Weekend hotspot with a reputation for sucking. Anyway, SeriousEats calls the pizza crust “cardboard” and the service “sloppy but well-meaning,” which seems to […]
This morning, Bwog woke up hungry and hankering for something not sweet, but savory. Fortunately, Saturday Brunch will never be Sunday Brunch and Bwog wanted lunch. And so on this dark Saturday, Bwog strode down Broadway past the parfaits and waffles of Community and Le Monde in search of vittles of a more proteinaceous variety. […]
It’s a phenomenon almost as annoying as having to re-enter your SSOL password when you leave it alone for more than 3 minutes: rising prices at campus eateries. So far, Bwog tipsters and staff have seen price hikes at many campus eateries. Offenders include Ferris Booth, which, in addition to replacing the popular stir fry […]
In case you haven’t been to Ferris yet — maybe you’re holding off on that particular pleasantry until later in the semester — we’d like to call your attention the new burrito/taco station (right), which sits where the stir-fry paraphernalia once was. Initial reactions to the tacos and burritos are guardedly optimistic and dissatisfied, respectively. […]
If you’re not at the WBAR-B-Q right now, you’re missing seeing… approximately thirty thousand bands. While Bwog was only able to get out there briefly and is now safely locked up in class, there’s no excuse for you not being there. It’s free! (Except the food.) Now playing: Wizards of the Coast, featuring Bwog’s own […]
Tipster Rebecca Salley informs Bwog of the various (free) food activity on College Walk today: 1. The South East Asian League is sponsoring a free fried-rice and shaved-ice give-away. “There arent many people out there right now so I kind of felt like I was crashing a party, but it’s all up for grabs,” she […]
Tipster Kirill Skok informs Bwog that the world-famous 53rd and 6th gyro/rice/pita/chicken, etc. cart is currently parked on College Walk. For those of you eating leavened bread tonight, the cart’s sandwich selections are cheap, delicious, and highly recommended. Be warned: The cart’s been there since 3 PM—you might have noticed the mention of a chicken […]
As of 6 p.m., the annual Pakistani mock wedding, Hangama (which translates roughly to “hoopla”), is still going strong on the steps. The “dance floor,” also known as College Walk, is abuzz with Bollywood quick-stepping and colorful saris, and has been since about 4:30, when the groom rolled up in style on a white horse. […]
There’s a lot of talk about Columbia students being too fortunate for our own good. That may or may not be true. But there is no question, we got lucky today. Columbia students could not have asked for a more ideal afternoon for Relay for Life. The event began at noon and will continue until […]
It’s the first real street fair of the season! The east side of Broadway is fenced off to make way for crepe-making, halal, carnival games, and the highest concentration of tie-dyed sweatshirts we’ve ever seen. Bwog took to the streets with a camera to capture the springtime loveliness. (And how about this weather!)
You Can Take the Soviet Out of Russia…
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