It hasn’t always been easy for Pinnacle. Today, Pinnacle’s legacy begins a new chapter: not really being Pinnacle. Shane Ferro checked in with some Pinnacle employees who told him that construction is starting this week and will take place this week and continue over winter break. The Space Formerly Known As Pinnacle is now under […]
The Morningside minutiae in our little Bubble Above 110th Street is what keeps us together. The tiny parts of our neighborhood that make it both boring and wonderful would seem trivial to anyone on the outside. Occasionally, we’ll be taking the time to share the minor details with you. The Entitled Sophomores indignantly note that […]
It’s safe to say that Morningside Heights is the culinary center of America. Hey, JK! Since the Pinnacle Incident made everyone debate the merits of Cracker Barrel, Bwog is here to quell your foodie nerves: there are new options! The Morningside food openings, renovations, and gossip: The vacant storefront formerly known as Empanada Joe’s has […]
Matt Kalish, SEAS ’12, sends in this photo of a shuttered Pinnacle Deli: The phones happily rang when we tried to call Pinnacle but no one answered. The Department of Health is closed on Sunday and the most recent inspection is not online yet, so use your imagination! Because, as you know, Pinnacle was always […]
If you recall, a while ago Bwog tried it’s hand at Craigslist’s Missed Connections for Columbia students. While the primary object of longing was Hawkmadinejad, the rest of the student body was not impressed. However, a tipster showed us that Craigslist had a few Columbia-related connections, just waiting to be brought together. Bwog, in a […]
The battle for frozen yogurt dominance is one that has savagely torn through Morningside since Pinkberry’s arrival in the summer of 2007. Today, we offer a comprehensive look at Columbia’s bitter — well, sweet — rivals in hopes of settling this thing once and for all. (Full disclosure: Your Bwog editor went on a rather […]
In the past 15 minutes, Bwog has been deluged with news of an evacuation at Pinnacle that happened between 12 and 1 a.m. Apparently, the soggy pizza peddlers have been threatened with a bomb. Tipster Miriam Manber relays that the NYPD is caution-taping the restaurant off; Vedant Misra tells of four squad cars surrounding the […]
An anonymous Bwog tipster reports this “fuck-you” fest and near fist-fight at everyone’s favorite cardboard-as-pizza joint… Just letting you guys know that a friend and I had the opportunity to witness a small pre-Halloween brawl at Pinnacle tonight at approximately 2 am. It started when we noticed many expletives coming from the lower level of […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025