We finally got some water. Editor’s warning: mentions of death and police violence.
There is an ongoing drought in the northeast right now. Campus lawns are feeling it, despite the slight drizzle that we got on Sunday night. Butler Lawn via My Camera Roll Header via Bwog Archives
How has it only been a week!? And what a rainy week it was. Here is what Bwog did to occupy themselves this gloomy weekend.
A 48-hour forcast of rain, you say? Finals week has begun.
The weather has been kinda shitty for the past couple days. Here’s Bwoglines to take your mind off it.
Happy Monday, y’all! This week, it seems as if midterms are beginning to creep upon us. You know what that means: shit. Yeah, you thought that was going to be something witty. Nope. Just shit. Anyway, here are your Bwoglines for today! Happening in the nation: It rained in California this weekend. Actually, let me rephrase […]
“Glance into the world just as though time were gone: and everything crooked will become straight to you.” -Friedrich Nietzsche
Update, 6:11 pm: McShane sent out an email advising students “to continue to use caution and monitor information sources.” And good building-integrity news: “Facilities has checked all buildings on the Morningside campus and has determined that there are no significant problems.” Most importantly, CC and SEAS ’15 move-in is on for tomorrow! Full email after […]
Oof! It’s terrible outside today. If you’re late for your 10 a.m., take heed: do not bring an umbrella outside. The wind will eat it and it’ll turn inside out. Wear rainboots. Don’t catch a cold. And eat something, you look skinny. Are they even feeding you up there? Bwog’s Weatherman Pat Blute chimes in […]
This week, it rains. It also might be sunny, but Accuweather has been changing its mind a lot. We can say this, at the very least: don’t expect snow. Bwog thanks Kim Lessing from the bottom of our hearts for her beautiful camera. Zak Dychtwald is a supreme editor and cameraman. Pat Blute is very […]
It rained! Outside, like it normally does, but also inside 417 IAB. Thanks to Kristina Chen for the pictures, and big ups to Professor Sadighian for thinking ahead. The storm was actually pretty insane.
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