On Tuesday, CU Democrats and CU College Republicans held their long-awaited debate where student representatives from each group argued about issues including immigration, student loan forgiveness, and free speech.
Um…apparently Minority Leader of the United States Senate Addison Mitchell McConnell III is becoming the new President of Columbia?
Which is more of a joke: the comments or the club itself?
The #occupiers have been getting a lot of attention lately, but support at Columbia is hardly universal. (Spec) Newt Gingrich wants to be “humane,” and takes considerable criticism because of it. (WP, Reuters) Mitt Romney claims his first name is Mitt. It’s not. (Gawker) Are criticisms of police brutality unfounded? Recent NYPD statistics show the lowest […]
Obama’s new (angsty!) video encourages us to “get the facts.” We’re feeling a back-of-the-envelope calculation coming on… [NYMag] The New York Post and Fox have dusted off their anti-Columbia headlines from 2007, after learning that the Columbia International Relations Council and Association was invited to dinner with the Iranian president. No word yet on whether […]
Great news for fans of ridiculously good looking Republicans–former Massachusetts Governor and 2012 GOP presidential candidate front-runner Mitt Romney will be speaking at Columbia mid-September. Romney will be speaking at the Millennium Campus Conference, a gathering of 1,000 or so student leaders and leading minds for a candid discussion on matters of sustainable international development. […]
‘Tis the season to be jolly, and what makes people jollier than politics? The Democrats and Republicans are getting their fix these next few days before finals set in. Tonight, the Democrats are running a Maucus, a mock version of the Iowa caucus. Centuries ago, Roman emperor and CC author Maucus Aurelius was named one […]
Domain expansion plan emimminent, waiting for eminent domain Homeless wish they were paid $75 to act homeless The Green Monster? Strippers? In case you’re wondering which Republican to vote for… “I Don’t See Any Snakes In This Eden”
Because a few interesting tidbits have been coming over the alias, and we’re tired of talking about grades too. – We may have forgotten about the Minuteman dust-up, but the members of New York Immigration Control and Enforcement (a few of whom were in Roone on the fateful night) couldn’t let it go. According to […]
When a Minuteman speech was interrupted by a fire bell at Georgetown, it turned out to be a literal false alarm. Not so at Michigan State Law School recently, where Tom Tancredo, a Republican Congressman from Colorado who has become a sort of anti-illegal-immigration lightning rod, was forced to stop speaking when student activists twice sounded the alarm […]
Tel Aviv taps Zvi… …After mysterious disappearance of CB… …While Republicans shed party loyalty Take Back the Night hands out “pens, highlighters, chapstick, lollipops” at 1020, patrons confused Play includes “chicken farming”, “a fringed belt assembled from a shredded copy of the Columbia Daily Spectator”, “a Bible-quoting triple-murderer turned pizza boy”, “freedom” Spec serials continue their […]
While campus liberals gear up for an appearance by the founder of the anti-immigrant Minutemen, they might want to know what else College Republicans President Chris Kulawik has up his sleeve: family values Senator Rick Santorum, scheduled to visit at the end of October. Sources inside the Student Governing Board say that the Republicans blew […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025