In the second exciting meeting of the General Studies Student Council, Acting Dean of Students Ivonne Rojas dropped by as a guest speaker for a Q&A, followed by the interview and appointment of nominees to the council! Brand spanking new GS bureau chief Andrew Chee brings you the exhilarating run down of all the nominees! Q&A […]
We know. It was reading week, now it’s finals and summer and graduation are just a few hours away. You don’t want to hear about weird quorum rules and comma splices, you want to leave! But for incoming first-years, this isn’t the last day of spring semester – it’s one day closer to starting school […]
GSSC hosts weekly meetings on Tuesday night! We know that many of you were too busy studying for calc midterms or streaming “Stranger Things” last night. Have no fear! Bwog GSSC correspondents Jenny Nugent and Romane Thomas bring you the highlights. Last night was town hall night at General Studies Student Council, and, for reasons undisclosed even […]
It’s almost the halfway point in the semester, which means we’re moving into Stage 2 of Midterm Stress: Anticipatory Stress (Stage 1 was Anticipation of Anticipatory Stress; Stage 3 will simply be Oh-Shit-I-Guess-This-Is-Happening). During this time of turmoil it’s nice to know that SGA continues to run its meetings like a well-oiled machine. Barnard Bearoness […]
Eric Cohn brings you the latest update on the process of selecting a new Dean of Undergraduate Student Life – this time, the noise is coming from your classmates. Group leaders and prominent members of Columbia student government released a statement today alleging that student input was largely ignored in the decision-making process for the new Dean […]
Ladies and gentlemen, your 2013-2014 Activities Board Below! According to outgoing ABC president Saketh Kalathur, this year marks a switch to a Direct Democracy mode of representation: each ABC rep was elected only by the groups in their category. Best of luck for next year, all! Executive Board: President: Tony Lee, CC ’15 Vice President: […]
Update: Victory at last! The 2014 Class Council has received permission to use the lion illustration on their shirts. Sophomores in Columbia College are shirtless. They’ve been at Columbia for a year and a half, but still haven’t received any special “Class of 2014” shirts from the Class of 2014 Class Council. Today, the Council […]
This week, Bwog visited another PowerSuite where high-ranking student government officials, an established social justice leader, a master volleyball instructor, and a music connoisseur all reside. While other politicians fail at their pizza eating skills, Ruggles #109-114 is home to masters of the craft. Raphaelle Debenedetti and Mahima Chablani report. When Bwog arrived at Snuggles (yes, they were responsible for this) #109-114, […]
Tuition drama? Talk of co-sponsorships? Debt? Peter Sterne held his own at Monday night’s action-packed SGA meeting; here’s the rundown. A-Hinks stopped by to answer questions about Barnard’s new full-time enrollment policy. She stressed that Barnard has always expected students to enroll as full-time students for all eight semesters, though they have granted exceptions in […]
CCSC met for the second time of the year. Sarah Ngu and Maren Killackey break down all the action. Big Hits If sometime in recent weeks you were frantically emailing your professor for the required readings because they weren’t on Courseworks, you shouldn’t have needed to (you spammer, you!). In 2009, the University Senate passed […]
In case you forgot already, here is what student government is supposed to do. We asked the newly-elected president of each of the three councils to introduce themselves, and list the five most important things that they actually achieved last year. You too can be Barack Obama! Greetings from Jessica Blank, President of SGA Welcome […]
Bright young things: in the next few weeks you will be introduced to a dizzying array of organizations, acronyms, slang, and food trucks. Bwog knows it can be difficult to keep track, so to ease your bureaucracy-induced agitation is Bwog’s CCSC correspondent Brian Wagner, here to untangle the web that is Columbia’s undergraduate student government. […]
Yesterday, the new ABC executive board was elected! The ABC funds (non-political, -spiritual, or -activist) student groups on campus. It’s the opposite of SGB. Winners are below. Congratulations! Start groveling for money folks. President: Daniel Brown, CC ’12 VP: John O’Shea, CC ’13 Treasurer: Chloe Ruan, SEAS ’13 Secretary: Christine Byun, CC ’14
The class of ’14 has spoken: The Kiwi Krew swept the first year elections, except for Cristal James who took one of the Rep spots, displacing Jessica Eaton. Stay tuned for the official numbers. From Kiwi rep, Daphne Chen: “Speaking for myself I can promise that I am actually genuine about trying to make this year […]
Bwog’s dedicated SGA Correspondent Caitlin Lynch reports from last night’s proceedings, primarily concerned with the improved housing selection process, areas of further improvement, and summer renovations. Annie Aversa, Associate Dean of Campus and Residential Life came to discuss changes in Barnard housing. This year, instead of waiting on different lines for different buildings, the process […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025