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Posts Tagged with "subways"

Dying from a heart attack, seizing up, or miscarrying from the swine flu vaccine? The Feds say not to worry, this kind of stuff happens all the time, vaccine or no vaccine. (NYT) Support or disagree with a University Senate-imposed Smoking ban? Hold your horses! In their first meeting of the year, PrezBo reminded them […]

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It’s two of the best-known rites-of-passage for any Columbian: the first time that you forgot to switch to the 1 train at 96th, and the first time someone who was staying with you forgot to switch. The latter, of course, is the funnier, especially if you tell your visitor the wrong directions back, but the […]

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If this new-fangled Twitter thing is to be believed, there’s some big things a-poppin’ in Iran, and the world media has been calling up Columbia professors for their reactions. The man with the most screen time this time around has probably been Professor Gary Sick (at right), which is not surprising given that he was […]

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Remember Miss Subway competitions? No, because they were discontinued after 1976 (save a one year revival in 2004). But we should all pretend to be nostalgic for them now that, with the help of a tipster, we have found a former Columbia student winner! After extensive research (read: some Googling), we know nothing about the […]

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Even more awful terrorism-related news today, as the FBI has recently issued an alert that “al-Qaida suicide bombers were contemplating an attack on New York’s mass-transit systems during the holiday season.” The would-be attacks are being described by law enforcement as “plausible, but unsubstantiated.” No futher details have been made available, and no arrests have […]

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According to Barnard Public Safety, there’s been a stabbing on the 1 train at the 116th subway stop. No students were involved in the incident, but that “it was some high school kids.”  Stand by for updates/photos. Update: 4:50 PM – Further investigation reveals that the stabbing took place on the 1 at 110th Street, […]

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Bwog freelancer Yelena Shuster ventured into the underground with the Potluck House kids Friday night. Friday night was no ordinary party in Brooklyn–with Potluckers in the lead, a subway car full of whooping kids traded in hipster wear for flapper costumes, cigarettes for party blowers, and Williamsburg for Brighton Beach. The rendezvous was no exception […]

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Columbia Underground

Those of you who have stepped onto the subway recently might have noticed a new series of advertisements featuring famous quotes from the likes of everyone from Edith Wharton to Galileo. The sponsor of the subway’s most intellectual wallpaper? Alma Mater, naturally.  It’s unclear what benefits the University is receiving (if any) by having its […]

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As we reported earlier, last week, a Columbia facilities employee jumped three tracks to save a man who had fallen off the subway platform. (Though apparently, the fallen man had fallen due to drunkenness, and not a stroke.) The facilities worked is Veeramuthu Kalimuthu (known as Kali), and his story has since been picked up […]

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Tipster Jason Patinkin relays to Bwog the following story: Apparently a man at the 116th subway stop fainted of what was perceived to be a heart attack or a stroke. The man tumbled off the platform and landed on the uptown track. Subway patrons waiting on the platform began yelling, and one ran upstairs to […]

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Bwog overheard some OLs on the uptown 1 headed back from the Met excursion and decided to inquire about NSOP’s first big event. Bwog: Were you guys just at the Met? Girl OL: Yeah! We left early. Boy: I’m not even an OL! Or a freshman! Girl: He’s just my friend! Bwog: So was it […]

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MTA Nouveau

Bwog always thought there was something high art about the lurid yellow and blue of MetroCards. In the token booth of the116th st. B/C subway station on Frederick Douglass Blvd., a geometric genius has made numerous tiny sculptures (twin towers, a crucifix, subway cars) all out of the little subway passes. They’re super cute. More […]

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Bwog is inclined to giggle at the absurdity of this one, but then wants to break down in tears. A disgruntled man took a chainsaw to a postal worker on the platform of the 110th street subway station this morning. Two chainsaws, actually. The victim told the Associated Press, “He just kept stabbing me and […]

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These political statements spotted on a Brooklyn bound A train. These activists should know when to cut their losses. It’s a bit too late for the Phillipines.

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Don’t Fence Me In

For the past few days, there has been a crudely constructed fence in the 116th street subway station. Confused onlookers don’t know what to make of this barnyard addition to our fair city, and raise their eyebrows in passing. When an amused Bwog politely asked the station attendant why it was there, he seemed annoyed […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
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