Read the title. General Selection, join your peers in the general mediocrity of housing! Make the nerve-wracking choice between Broadway singles and River singles (and then explain about a thousand times where exactly River is and that yes, it is a Columbia dorm)! Relish in the fact that you don’t have to repeat your housing […]
And here we are, at the end of the road. The JJ lounge is singing a song of McBain, Schapiro, and Wien today, with the occasional Nussbaum thrown in for some variation. But hey, we love McBain. And we love you, end-of-the-lottery freshmen. Here till the bitter end, Bwog
One day more. You know the drill: read and comment/ask us off-topic questions on our liveblog, and anxiously refresh the spreadsheet of which rooms are still available. The pickings are getting slim, rising sophomores.
Happy Monday! Bwog’s back for another glorious round of live suite selection coverage. Things may get a little lower this week as the housing options get less and less desirable (although Bwog is a staunch supporter of McBain), but we’re still here to chronicle every single second. Our loving liveblog waits to confuse entertain you […]
Tired, hungover, dedicated: Bwog’s back at it with our third day of live housing coverage. Hopefully, the only other people awake at this hour are the groups suite-selecting. Yesterday afternoon’s Senior Regroup claimed several doubles and EC Exclusion suites, as well as a big chunk of Woodbridge. What’s gone: All the EC townhouses, all the […]
Well, we’ve survived Day One. No tears were shed in the JJ lounge, although some angry looks were cast our way and there was some anxious floor-rolling. Overall, though, spirits were relatively high as Columbia’s best housing was snatched up in a flash, gone until the next housing cycle. Here’s a quick run-through of what’s […]
For the past half hour, Bwog’s been hanging out in the JJ lounge with a breakfast of Swedish Fish and massive amounts of coffee — and that’s what we’re going to be doing for the next week straight. That’s right: our annual housing live blog coverage has begun. We’ll be updating the live blog constantly throughout […]
In-person suite selection begins tomorrow at 9:30 am in the John Jay Lounge (see you there!). Alexandra Svokos, 30/1550, tried to get annoyed at David Najem and Henning Sauerbier, 30/53, who will be picking first, but these CU soccer players were too earnest and nervous to be mad at for long. Bwog: Do you have a plan? […]
Rejoice! Appointment times for In-Person Selection have been revealed! Or at least, that’s what we assume from the email we got from Housing, because StarRez Portal is, as usual, having a meltdown. This number doesn’t tell you much–other than if you have an excuse to skip class or need to wake up stupid early. Remember […]
Group registration for the 2013 Housing cycle has begun: you have until Thursday to make friends. And with a new year of Columbia housing comes a new list of questions, concerns, and general perplexities. We’re here to help — send in all your housing related inquiries to for the best answer we can come […]
In case you haven’t heard (read: you haven’t heard, but) registration opens tomorrow for the 2013 housing process. In preparation for this, we boiled down the housing process as concisely as we could to help you understand WTF anything is. Please feel free to ask further questions in the comments–and upperclassmen, please share wisdom–or email us […]
The committee to determine who gets SIC space on campus — the new “Special Interest Community House” (AKA the Convent), two EC townhouses, and a space in Wallach — had their final meeting today. They will be presenting their suggestions to Dean Martinez, who will make the final decisions next week. Later this month, applications […]
First, a recap. The 114th Brownstones have seen a lot of action. After saying goodbye to Alpha Epsilon Pi, Pi Kappa Alpha, and Psi Upsilon at the end of Spring 2011 following Operation Ivy League, 536, 542 and 546 W. 114th opened their doors to a variety of transfer, wait list, and summer transfer students for […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025